
Long investigation ahead into crash that claimed the lives of King family

March 13, 2024   ·   0 Comments

Investigators are looking into cause of a plane crash in the United States that claimed the lives of an entire King family. The community is still mourning the loss of Victor Dotsenko, 43, his wife Rimma, 39, and their children David, 12, Adam, 10, and Emma, 7.

Police looking for suspects in drive-by shooting in King

Investigators with the York Regional Police #1 District Criminal Investigations Bureau are seeking suspects and witnesses following a drive-by shooting in the Township of King.On ...

Council decides to keep Nobleton Hall

The Nobleton Community Hall will remain as is. King council listened to the public, and backed off moving or demolishing the structure. In the face of numerous public delegations and an estimated two-hour debate, Mayor Steve Pellegrini told the audience in the council chambers of the move. Councillor David Boyd drafted a motion for council to withdraw its intention to repeal the designation bylaw. The move negated both options recommended by staff.

MOE not investigating LTC

In the Feb. 22 issue of the King Weekly Sentinel, an article incorrectly stated that the Ontario Ministry of the Environment has launched an investigation into ...

Naming rights for new recreation centre on the table

King Township is looking at how to name the new Township Wide Recreation Centre. Staff noted the building is on track and nearing completion and they’re looking at putting a value on the naming rights.

King-Vaughan MPP Lecce announces $1.2M in provincial funding for King Township road projects

Member of Provincial Parliament for King-Vaughan Stephen Lecce brought good news to the Township of King last week, when he announced $1.2 million in funding for local road maintenance projects. The allocation of funds is part of the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund which is dedicated to the renewal and rehabilitation of essential infrastructure. The Provincial Grant is earmarked for rural communities.

Parking banned on stretches in Schomberg

Parking will be banned on a section of Main Street and Western Avenue in Schomberg. Council voted to make the move, supporting a staff recommendation. Parking will be prohibited on Main Street, on both the north and south sides, 122 metres west of the intersection with Cooper Drive, to 208 metres west. It will also be banned on Western Avenue, both sides, from 245 metres west of the intersection with Main, to 395 metres west.

Citizens groups challenge King Township’s approval of LTC facility on the Greenbelt

Concerned Citizens of King Township (CCKT) and Save the Oak Ridges Moraine (STORM) Coalition have filed a request for an investigation under the Ontario Environmental ...

Register to attend Highway 11 Corridor workshop

The public is invited to an in-person public workshop at the King Township Municipal Centre Jan. 30 to discuss the ongoing Highway 11 Corridor study.This ...

Trudeau in York to mark anniversary of tragedy

A sombre ceremony marked the fourth anniversary of the horrible tragedy of Flight PS 752. On Jan. 8, 2020, the Islamic Republic of Iran fired two missiles into Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 (departing Tehran en route to Kiev) causing the aircraft to crash. It killed 176 people onboard, including 55 Canadian citizens and 30 permanent residents.

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