Headline News

Open house on new OP strategies

September 12, 2024   ·   0 Comments

The future of King’s Population Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies will be on the table at a Public Open House on Monday, Sept. 16. Running from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., with a presentation starting at 6:30 p.m.
The open house will be held in Council Chambers at the King Township Municipal Centre, located at 2585 King Road.
This open house offers an excellent opportunity for community members to learn more about these crucial strategies which will guide the Township’s growth and development. Attendees will have the chance to explore:
King’s growth context and local trends; population, housing and employment forecasts up to 2051, employment and community land needs through 2051.
The Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies are key components of the Township’s Official Plan Review. They will provide strategic policy direction within the Provincial and Regional planning framework.
Residents are encouraged to drop in, listen to the presentation, engage with the project team and share their ideas on how King should grow.
For additional information, please visit King Township’s Official Plan Review project page on King’s online engagement platform, SpeaKING.
For regular updates on Township programs and events, follow the official corporate social media channels on X, Facebook and Instagram or visit king.ca.



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