
Junior A Hockey Returns to King Township as Brantford 99ers Relocate and Rebrand as the King Rebellion

May 30, 2024   ·   0 Comments

King Councillors welcome new team, unveil jerseys By Jim Stewart After a 37-year absence, Junior A hockey has returned to King Township. A jersey-unveiling ceremony ...

King Rebellion U18BB triumphs with season tournament sweep

In a remarkable display of skill and determination, the King Rebellion U18BB hockey team secured a season tournament sweep by clinching victory in all three ...

Schomberg U18 Red Wings win Dunnville tournament

The Schomberg U18 Red Wings won five straight games in Dunnville to claim the championship of the 25th annual Albert Schram Local League hockey tournament.The ...

Schomberg’s Micaela Aguiar advances to quarterfinals as the number 1 seed in Ms. Health and Fitness Global Competition

Schomberg resident Micaela Aguiar is ranked #1 heading into the quarterfinals of the 2023 Ms. Health & Fitness Competition. The winner of the competition will be featured on the cover of the Muscle and Fitness HERS magazine and pocket $20,000 U.S. After five elimination rounds, the dedicated local fitness and yoga instructor was still leading the international event. Aguiar – who described herself as a “shy and introverted person” during our meeting at The Grackle Coffee Shop on Main Street – is nonetheless “super excited and nervous simultaneously to have passed through five phases of the competition from Top 50 in the world to Top 15 to Top 10 to Top 5 to the quarterfinals of the competition.”

Zhou and Zhang strike silver for CDS at OFSAA Mixed Doubles Badminton

The mixed doubles team of Rayna Zhou and Zhi Wei Zhang captured OFSAA silver medals at the provincial high school badminton championships played at Trinity College School in Port Hope. Zhou and Zhang inscribed their names last week into the historical records of Country Day School by winning the Cyclone’s first-ever OFSAA medal in badminton.

CDS Cyclone track team captures 8 gold medals at CISAA Championships in Toronto

CDS Cyclone Track and Field Coach Denise Steadman was pleased with her team’s results at the CISAA Championships at York University last week. Eight of her athletes captured gold medals at the meet in Toronto, but she was even more impressed with the level of individual achievement beyond the podium: “We had so many great performances. Our focus is to get personal bests at track meets and one of our athletes – Reese Falkenberg –  dropped an incredible 7 seconds off her personal best in the 400m hurdles.”

U18 Rebels win York-Simcoe championship

Another week and another championship for King Township Minor Hockey.It was an exciting night last Wednesday at the Nobleton arena. In front of a packed ...

U12AA King Rebellion captures York-Simcoe M.H.L. Championship with a pair of Final Four shutouts

King’s 12AA rep team continued its winning ways on the weekend. The Rebellion ran the table in a convincing manner at the York-Simcoe Minor Hockey League Final Four playoff tournament by shutting out both their opponents. A 7-0 win over Barrie in the semi-final on Saturday secured a berth in the YSMHL final. In the championship game on Sunday afternoon, the Rebellion used back-to-back goals in the second period and a stifling defence to earn a 2-0 win over Richmond Hill and hang a York-Simcoe championship banner at the Nobleton Arena.

U12AA King Rebellion runs roughshod over Richmond Hill and Stouffville in 5-0 and 4-0 playoff

When the U12 King Rebellion AA hockey team took to the ice for their playoff game at Ed Sackfield Arena in Richmond Hill on Wednesday, they did so amid the cacophony of bell-clanging hockey moms impelling their sons to victory. “The Rebellion Ringers” rang their red bells in raucous unison off the ice and King’s powerhouse squad took care of business on the ice as they defeated the Richmond Hill Stars 5-0 in opening round York-Simcoe playoff action.

KTMHA makes ‘major’ move to AA level for the 2023-24 season

March is a significant hockey month in Ontario as regional and provincial championship tournaments begin in earnest. Randy Shepherd is focused on his King Township teams’ present performance as the playoffs ramp up, but he also has his eyes firmly on the future. The president of the 500-player organization released his organization’s strategy last week to advance the King Township Minor Hockey Association and its member teams.

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