Headline News

Open houses in King City, Nobleton

September 5, 2024   ·   0 Comments

King Township is hosting a pair of in-person Community Open Houses on the Doctors Lane and Old King Road Neighbourhood Plans to seek input from the community on the draft plans.
These open houses are the opportunity for residents and other stakeholders to engage directly with the project team, see how the study has evolved and to offer input on the draft concepts that will shape the future of the Study Areas. Public participation is crucial in ensuring that these plans reflect the vibrant, sustainable growth that King Township envisions for these key areas.
Through the open houses the community will have the ability to come together to provide input and feedback on the draft conceptual Neighbourhood Plans that have been prepared for each Study Area based on what the project team heard at the past engagement sessions. The Open Houses will include:
A presentation to introduce the draft Neighbourhood Plans.
A chance to review the Storymap that provides a breakdown of the Neighbourhood Plans.
Engagement activities to seek additional feedback on land uses and community priorities.
An online web map, to provide an opportunity to pin comments to specific locations in the Study Areas.
These Neighbourhood Plans are vital to the future of these priority areas, focusing on sustainable growth and the enhancement of essential community amenities. They will guide the development and redevelopment of these areas, including the integration of cultural heritage resources and new land uses.
The Doctors Lane Neighbourhood Open House will be held Tuesday, Sept. 10 between 6 and 8 p.m. with a presentation at 6:30 p.m. It takes place at Laskay Hall on King Road.
The Old King Road Neighbourhood Open House takes place Thursday, Sept. 12 in the Arena Hall at Dr. William Laceby Nobleton Community Centre & Arena, 15 Old King Road, Nobleton. It also runs 6-8 p.m. with a presentation at 6:30.
Presentation materials and an online interactive mapping activity will be available after the open houses for anyone unable to attend in person. To stay informed, visit the Project Page on SpeaKING, or contact the project team at policyplanning@king.ca.



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