Tag Archive "mygekogear"

Aegis body cam has a multitude of uses

We are leveraging technology in every way possible. There are a host of personal gadgets that are innovative marvels, offering real world applications. One is the Aegis 100 Body Cam by MyGekoGear, an Adesso company. This small, but mighty wearable camera goes way beyond law enforcement or personal safety. It’s a great little companion. It’s not inconspicuous but it’s small enough to appear just part of your everyday apparel or outdoor equipment. It’s packed full of features, way more than you’d expect. It’s also tough a nails.

MyGEKOgear’s ultimate dash cam provides full visibility

We should all feel safe and secure when we’re behind the wheel. Most in-car dash cams give you a great forward view. Few give you the features and visibility of the Scout Pro by MyGEKOgear. This marvel is a 2K HD, 3-channel dash cam, with wi-fi and GPS logging. It’s 24/7 surveillance with its OBD power cable and offers a mountain of memory – 256MB and an included 32GB microSD card.

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