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Township seeks community feedback on proposed commercial licensing framework

March 19, 2025   ·   0 Comments

King Township is exploring creating a commercial licensing system to better support local businesses, ensure they follow regulations and help with future planning to manage growth in King.The primary goal is to create a framework that fosters a thriving economic environment.
To accomplish this, King is actively looking for feedback from business owners and the general public through an upcoming public open house followed by an online survey.
The public open house will take place on Thursday, March 27 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the King Township Municipal Centre, located at 2585 King Road. Residents and businesses are invited to discuss the commercial licensing options and provide their feedback directly. This is an opportunity to engage with project leaders and share your thoughts.
King Township has partnered with Ernst & Young to collaborate with the team of staff that are leading this project, which is a key part of the 2023-2026 Corporate Strategic Plan’s Complete Communities priority. The Township team includes staff representing a variety of divisions including Economic Development, Clerks, By-Law, Planning and Finance.
An online survey will also open on March 28 and will run until April 11, accessible through the project’s SpeaKing webpage. King encourages all residents and stakeholders to complete the survey during this period. Your feedback will help us gather valuable insights on commercial licensing options and identify key issues that matter most to you.
On the SpeaKing page you can also register to receive regular email updates and access the Commercial Licensing Framework Discussion Paper which provides an overview of commercial licensing and this project.
Many smaller municipalities in Ontario have successfully implemented business licensing requirements, resulting in numerous benefits for their communities, including:
Enhanced community safety: Ensuring businesses comply with local regulations helps maintain a safe environment for residents and visitors.
Increased transparency and accountability: A licensing framework provides clear guidelines and standards for businesses, promoting fairness and accountability.
Economic growth: Streamlined licensing processes can facilitate faster business formation and job creation, contributing to the local economy.
Improved data collection: Licensing helps municipalities gather valuable data on local economic activity, which can inform better decision-making and resource allocation.
Additionally, business licensing is closely related to land use issues. Licensing ensures that businesses operate in appropriate areas, aligning with local zoning bylaws and land use regulations. This helps prevent conflicts with community planning objectives and ensures that business activities are conducted in suitable locations.
For more information about the proposed commercial licensing framework or the survey, visit the project SpeaKing page.



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