Headline News

Investments made to keep local water safe

March 19, 2025   ·   0 Comments

By Mark Pavilons

Local Journalism
Initiative Reporter

York Region’s water is safe to drink.
Local water is distributed by King Township and must meet high regulatory quality standards as legislated by the Province of Ontario.
A recent report to King council revealed local water quality meets or exceeds all standards.
York Region monitors your water quality around the clock to ensure compliance with the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards, which identifies more than 100 criteria for safe consumption limits. These criteria are revised frequently by the province to reflect new scientific findings or concerns.
The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) has a Made-in-Ontario drinking water quality management framework. All drinking water systems in Ontario are required to submit an Operational Plan and be registered to the Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS). York Region has maintained accreditation to the DWQMS since 2008. This Standard requires utilities to prepare long-term financial plans.
York Region’s certification to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001 standard for water operations demonstrates its continued commitment to provide safe drinking water. This internationally recognized standard of excellence focuses on quality management. All water supply and treatment plants and associated facilities, owned by York Region, are registered to ISO 9001. To achieve registration, an organization must establish, implement, maintain and continually improve its activities and business processes.
The provincial Drinking Water Systems Regulation 170/03 requires York Region to report on our drinking water systems each calendar year. The reports describe the operation of York Region drinking water systems and drinking water quality test results.
Ansnorveldt is served (120) by the Ansnorveldt Drinking Water System is centred on Dufferin Street, north of Highway 9. Local groundwater is naturally high in minerals.
A total of $85,857 for pump maintenance, new regional remote operations center construction, general maintenance and repairs was invested last year by York Region.
Serving roughly 7,370 residents, Nobleton DWS includes five wells, two storage facilities, and one booster pumping station. Chlorine provides disinfection and maintains a secondary residual. Sodium silicate is added to sequester naturally occurring iron and manganese. Storage facilities hold treated water and help the booster station maintain pressure.
In 2024, York spent $1,858,432 for well rehabilitation and pump maintenance, treatment facility upgrades, design and construction, new regional remote operations center construction, general maintenance and repairs.
Providing water to some 2,530 residents, Schomberg DWS includes one Water treatment Plant, three wells and one storage/rechloramination facility. Naturally occurring methane is removed through pre-oxidation with chlorine followed by air stripping. Potassium permanganate is added for iron and manganese removal using media filtration. Water is disinfected with UV light, followed by chlorine which combines with naturally occurring ammonia to form chloramines to provide a secondary residual.
Last year, the Region spent $208,298 for well rehabilitation and pump maintenance, new regional remote operations center construction, general maintenance and repairs.
For the 8,990 people in King City, the DWS includes two wells, one pumping station, and two storage facilities. If the wells are used for supply, chlorine provides disinfection, and chloramine provides a secondary residual. Sodium silicate can be added to sequester naturally occurring iron and manganese. Wells are currently offline. Storage facilities hold treated water and maintain pressure.
In 2024, York spent $345,632 for valve chamber upgrades design, treatment and storage facility rehabilitation design, new regional remote operations center construction, general maintenance and repairs.
For all three villages, Operators test the water and inspect the process. Online analyzers continuously monitor treatment and water flow. When analyzers detect a significant process or water quality issue, the system automatically pauses operation until an operator takes action.
You can access detailed reports for each village at https://www.york.ca/environment/water-and-wastewater/drinking-water-quality-and-monitoring



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