May 2024 Archive

Township incorporates green development standards

By Mark PavilonsEditor King is boosting its commitment to the environment with an improved green standards policy.Council gave its stamp of approval on the new ...

Grant us the patience to endure the pain of waiting

Take it from me (and Bradley), waiting often sucks, big time. Some optimists say there’s always a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning, the start of a new day. Perhaps the magic, and the mystery of the universe, is waiting for us to become smarter, sharper.

Junior A Hockey Returns to King Township as Brantford 99ers Relocate and Rebrand as the King Rebellion

King Councillors welcome new team, unveil jerseys By Jim Stewart After a 37-year absence, Junior A hockey has returned to King Township. A jersey-unveiling ceremony ...

We need to work together to end gender violence

Gender-based violence is on the rise in our country and it’s something that can’t be ignored. The stats are staggering and heart-breaking. I can’t understand this dark aspect of the human psyche. It can take physical and emotional forms, such as: name-calling, hitting, pushing, blocking, stalking/criminal harassment, rape, sexual assault, control, and manipulation. Many forms of this abuse are against the law. It can happen between people in romantic relationships. It can happen in families, at work, and between friends and acquaintances and strangers. It often occurs in private places between people who know each other.

Council asks Province to reconsider portions of Bill 185

With a deadline looming for July 1, municipalities are voicing their concerns over the Province’s Bill 185. King has joined the opposition, sending Queen’s Park a strong message to revamp the bill. The legislation, known as the The Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024, is anything but democratic, opponents say.

Mayor highlights dynamic developments at luncheon

The King Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Mayor’s Luncheon took place at Nobleton Lakes Golf Club last week. More than 150 civic-minded guests – comprised of business and political leaders – attended the banquet to hear Mayor Steve Pellegrini’s annual address that captured the vibrant quality of life in King Township.

Annual Nobleton Victoria Day event arrives

The quintessential Canadian kick-off to summer is only a few days away.King Township is inviting residents to attend one off its biggest events of the ...

Losing more than a shoe stuck in the mud

We all feel stuck at some point in our lives. Sometimes, this feeling is a signal that we need to change, or react differently to the challenges we’re facing. It’s been said the road to success and the road to failure are the same. It’s how we construct these paths that matters most.

Craftsman cordless inflator has your back

The majority of Ontario motorists know that tire inflation is necessary. It also improves fuel economy and lessens vehicle emissions. Experience a low or flat tire is never welcome, but Craftsman’s V20 Cordless Inflator can mean the difference between roadside assistance and being on your way.

Gambling is enshrined in our lives

It’s been said that everything’s a gamble in life. All the best gamblers quit when they’re ahead. It’s funny, this obsession of ours with gambling, playing the odds and the rush of winning. Does gambling imitate life?

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