Product Showcase

Craftsman cordless inflator has your back

May 8, 2024   ·   0 Comments

By Mark Pavilons

The majority of Ontario motorists know that tire inflation is necessary.
It also improves fuel economy and lessens vehicle emissions.
Experience a low or flat tire is never welcome, but Craftsman’s V20 Cordless Inflator can mean the difference between roadside assistance and being on your way.
With the summer travel season approaching, it’s good to have every possible tool at your disposal to make your trip trouble-free.
The high-pressure V20 allows you to quickly inflate anything from a tire to an air mattress. The unit is convenient and can use three power courses, including a car battery or wall plug.
The unit has an automatic shut off, allowing you to your desired PSI and the unit will shut off once it is reached.
The digital gauge is easy to read. While churning out a high volume, the unit is surprisingly quiet.
Off the shelf, the inflator comes with a ball needle, presta valve adapter and small inflatable adaptor. You will need to purchase the battery and charger, unless you’re already a Craftsman customer and have an array of cordless pieces of equipment.
The bottom line is the V20 will get you out of jam when you need it. On the plus side, it also gets you into the water faster, so you can enjoy your holiday or getaway.
Ontario drivers should check their tire pressures monthly, which is the recommended frequency of measurement.
For more on the Craftsman V20, see your local retailers, or visit



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