
Going tech-free a real challenge for many

November 26, 2013   ·   0 Comments

“Men have become the tools of their tools.” Henry David Thoreau When we examine our current technology-dependent existence, it’s really impressive how this coup happened.

Can politicians stop being human?

Mark Pavilons “Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten per cent a bad reputation.” Henry A. Kissinger   Society has poked fun of ...

Altering the language confuses and befuddles

Mark Pavilons As we continue to evolve as a species on this planet of ours, change should not be detrimental. But in many cases, it ...

Who will stop runaway government spending?

As budget time nears for many levels of government, the public will be bombarded with fancy footwork, pedantic, long-term-gain talk. It’s to numb us to the inevitable pain that increased costs, taxes and cuts will bring to average Canadian households.

Mayor’s Message – Residents encouraged to get involved in community events

Wow I can’t believe we are in the middle of the fall season and Christmas is less than two months away. Where does time go? This is the first of a monthly column graciously provided by The King Weekly Sentential newspaper. I will be utilizing this opportunity to highlight what’s happening in our great municipality.

New production of Les Mis is world-class

A new take on an old tale creates wide eyes every night in the seats of the Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto.

Regret the things you never tried

The other day, my unusually wise 15-year-old daughter asked me whether I had any regrets. It didn’t take me long to answer her honestly.

Surgery offers more to be thankful for

I had hoped to leave this world as I came into it - with all my parts. Alas, it was not to be.

Canadians burdened by plastic money woes

Ever since plastic money was created, we North Americans embraced it for its convenience. Little did we know it would be the monkey on our backs, leading to historic levels of debt and unprecedented burdens.

The flip side of modern advances

When humankind disappears from the cosmic landscape, I hope we have left a decent legacy behind.

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