
Hasbro helps you complete your Xmas list

November 27, 2024   ·   0 Comments

By Mark Pavilons

We all need a little help checking those boxes on our Christmas lists.
We recommend turning to renowned toy-maker Hasbro for help this holiday season.
The company has been creating memories for over a century, so they know what they’re talking about when it comes to imaginative playthings.
This year marks milestone anniversaries and Hasbro introduced thrilling products for year-round fun from iconic brands, including Monopoly, Avalon Hill Nerf, Furby, Peppa Pig, Play-Doh and Transformers, along with premier collaboration brands including Star Wars and Marvel from Disney Consumer Products. This provides a new impressive array of toy, game, and product innovations that bring each world-class franchise to life.
The company offers many iconic brands, including Clue, Furby, Monopoly, Nerf, Peppa Pig, Play-Doh, Transformers, Star Wars and Marvel.
Interactive toys, dolls, action figures and games top the list this year as hottest items.

The Beyblade Xtreme Battle Set, geared toward those 8 and up, takes us to the next generation of Beyblade tops. The Xtreme Battle Set is the perfect starter, packed with all you need to begin your quest for Beymastery and including everything kids need to play and compete: the Beystadium, 2 right-spinning tops, and 2 launchers with ripcords. Assemble your stadium and tops, load your launcher, and let it rip!
It’s a great evolution for a game that began in Japan in 1999 with a manga series. The action is still going strong and this is a perfect addition that any Beyblader will love.

The Furby Galaxy Edition and Aurora Furbealis (ages 6 & up) has glow in the dark ears and eyes. This interactive toy has five voice-activated modes and more than 600 funny phrases and jokes. The cuddly little creature also responds to hugs and pats on the head. It’s a great alternative the virtual world.

Hypershot is an electronic hockey-type table-top game, with several modes and accompanying music. It’s a portable version of the traditional bulky air hockey game we all know and love. Set up anywhere there’s a table and you’re good to go. You can also play it in solo mode. A great way to keep the kids occupied.

Transformers continued to remain in the spotlight and the Power Flip Optimus Prime (Orion Pax) action figure is sure to please. Depicted in the Transformers One movie, it converts between four modes and stretches from 8 to 10 inches in height. Lights, sounds and phrases make this the ultimate Transformer for those 6 and up.

Last, but not least, is the Play-Doh Marvel Iron Man Armor Maker Lab. Those 4 and up put their imagination to good use when molding armor for the bendy Iron Man figure. The lab boasts 13 different sound and light effects. It includes all the Play-Doh you need and is great for both boys and girls.

Hasbro products are available at many retailers and toy outlets.
For more, visit
Finish that list, and spread some magic this Christmas season!



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