
Running for municipal council a worthy endeavour

February 11, 2014   ·   0 Comments


Democratic rights and privileges are the very foundations of our society.
And every few years, we get a chance to exercise these rights. While Canadians tend to be rather “conservative” in our views and opinions, elections sometimes result in heated exchanges, volleys, finger-pointing and mud-slinging.
It’s the perfect time to see democracy in action, as candidates stand behind microphones on stage and sing for their supper.
Few “jobs” are as important as helping to make decisions at the local level, on behalf of our friends and neighbours. From property taxes and subdivision development to installing roundabouts and encouraging investment, local municipalities are the very heart of our lives. It’s where we live and it’s where we send our kids to school. It’s where we drive home at night and do our shopping on weekends. It’s where we gather with neighbours to celebrate.
To be a municipal councillor takes a lot of guts and a desire for the common good. It will change your life. You will be the target of criticism and residents will call you day and night.
So, for all those who even take up the cause and run for office, you deserve a huge tip of the hat! You are venturing into an arena where very few dare to go.

MP, Editor



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