November 2023 Archive

King businesses honoured with Chamber awards

The King Chamber of Commerce continues to lead and serve. Its breadth of membership, now surpassing 320 members, brings a cornucopia of talent to the table. More than 300 submissions were received for the annual business excellence awards and the winners were in the spotlight last week at Carrying Place.

King Township residents can help shape the future of the Highway 11 Corridor

King Township has initiated a land-use study to guide future development of the Highway 11 Corridor, a unique area located in the Township’s northeast corner. ...

King man gets full support on Dragons’ Den

A King entrepreneur is laughing all the way to the bank. And he has some high-profile partners. Mike Dunlop appeared on CBC’s reality show Dragons’ Den, pitching his unique product – Dragonfly Wingman. When he first appeared before the five-member panel of would-be investors, laughter erupted at his quirky invention. But after hearing Mike’s story and popularity of the product, they went all in and joined Mike in his company.

‘Kindness Day’ should really be every day

The Dalai Lama said his religion is simply, “kindness.” Kindness isn’t really about kind acts. It’s more about integrity, honesty, generosity and even moral courage. Lady Gaga said kindness healed her and Jean-Jacques Rousseau said there’s no greater wisdom than kindness. By definition, kindness is “a type of behaviour marked by acts of generosity, consideration, rendering assistance, or concern for others without expecting praise or reward in return.”

Council backs off on heritage district review

Public opposition has shelved the idea of creating a Heritage Conservation District for Schomberg. More than a dozen residents spoke at the recent council meeting, the bulk of which opposed the idea. And they didn’t even want to proceed with a study, something staff pegged at costing $300,000 over three years. Instead, councillors and staff said they will offer residents more information regarding heritage conservation. As well, there are a number of heritage conservation education workshops in November, which are being held by the Heritage Advisory Committee in partnership with the Township’s heritage planning staff.

Nobleton Lions Club honours John Ciarallo for his decades of distinguished community service

Long-time Nobleton No-Frills owner John Ciarallo, who was renowned for his contributions and support of the King Food Bank, was honoured recently by the Lions Club in a ceremony that extolled the virtues of selfless service to community.

Pluses and minuses; the ledger of life

When we prepare for a job, role or volunteer position, we’re often asked about our pluses and minuses. Of course we brag a bit about what we bring to the table, and downplay our negative qualities. When we really do a deep dive into our personal numbers – the proverbial ledger of life – it’s quite a different story.

Astronaut tours Bolton facility ahead of space mission

A mission into space starts on the ground. And praising the efforts of the Canadian space industry is all in a day’s work for astronauts. Canadian Mission Specialist Jeremy Hansen toured Canadensys Aerospace Corp. in Bolton, along with Canadian Space Agency (CSA) representatives, getting a first-hand look at local talent and genius.

Fate of Community Hall being discussed

Changes are coming to the Nobleton Core, as part of the Nobleton Community Park Revitalization Strategy. Part of those changes require a decision on the ...

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