Eleanor Thomson looks on in wonder at today’s women joining Canada’s armed forces. Today, she observes, they are greeted as heroes, saluted for their bravery, and commended for their patriotism in serving one’s country.
A mosquito pool has tested positive for West Nile virus (WNV) in The Regional Municipality of York. The mosquitoes were trapped in Markham close to ...
The King City Farmers’ Market at All Saints Church is very excited to have Highmark Farms join the market. Zach brings a vast array of ...
Mid-June marked the release of a new addition to the Hockley Valley Brewing Co. Hockley 100 introduces beer drinkers to a recipe of locally sourced materials and ancient grains. On the heels of the success of this latest release if you thought a well-deserved break in the chaos of production is in order, you would be wrong.
Captain Canada probably put it best Saturday. “The only thing better than winning is watching your student win.”
It was made official that two years from now, King's Caledon neighbour will be in the midst of hosting the 2015 Pan Am Games.
It’s hard to believe it but there it is in front of us – cool summer evenings, school just one flip of a calendar page away and yes – time for baseball playoff action for King Township ball players and families.
“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” Princess Diana
The following letter is in response to King planning director Stephen Kitchen’s explanation regarding a connection to the 8th Concession. The previous excuse for not ...
The follow letter by King’s planning director, is in response to Floyd Dickson’s July 8 letter. Your e-mail of July 8th was forwarded to me ...
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