August 6, 2013 · 0 Comments
The follow letter by King’s planning director, is in response to Floyd Dickson’s July 8 letter.
Your e-mail of July 8th was forwarded to me with a request that I address your concerns with respect to preserving the option for a connection to the 8th Concession, if required in the future.
As I recall you were not present for the entire Slokker OMB hearing and I don’t recall your participation in the OMB hearing on the Dawsco (now Fandor) subdivision and thus provide the following brief summary for your information.
In the OMB hearing for the Slokker subdivision (now Hamleys), the board heard evidence from eight witnesses regarding the issue of whether a connection to the 8th Concession was needed and justified to serve the Slokker and Fandor lands, and determined that the connection was not required.
The issue of a road connection to the 8th Concession was raised again in the appeals of the Fandor Subdivision to the board. The board dismissed the issues related to the connection to the 8th Concession and refused to relitigate an issue that had already been decided.
Notwithstanding the above, the Township did protect for a future connection to the 8th Concession through the southern leg of the Fandor subdivision. The location was identified at the time with the input of the TRCA as the narrowest point and least likely to impact the natural environment. The Township engineering and public works department has confirmed that the block of land at the eastern terminus of Northcott Way, in the Fandor subdivision containing the SWM pond, has been designed in such a manner to enable the road to be extended, with some modification to the pond, to accommodate the extension of the road across the valley, should a valley crossing towards the 8th Concession be required or warranted by the Township or as a result of additional development either internal or external to the urban boundary in the Nobleton Community Plan.
In addition, warning clauses have been provided through the subdivision agreement to property owners/purchasers in the Fandor subdivision that the eastern terminus of Northcott Way has been designed to protect for the potential to be extended in the future, if determined to be required to connect to the 8th Concession.
As an additional note, the engineering and public works department has advised that the traffic studies carried out to date have indicated the traffic volumes are consistent with the pre-development studies. The Township has confirmed the traffic numbers with their own counts. They will continue to monitor the traffic volumes through additional traffic counts as the Noble Ridge and Fandor subdivisions build out.
Thank you for identifying your concerns. I hope the above helps to address your concerns.
Stephen Kitchen
Director of Planning
Township of King
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