August 6, 2013 · 0 Comments
The following letter is in response to King planning director Stephen Kitchen’s explanation regarding a connection to the 8th Concession.
The previous excuse for not putting a road to the 8th was the grading and crossing of the wetlands. I think we need to confirm the possible extension does not have these challenges. I am sure the route that you have identified has some steep inclines and major grading requirements. You now mention the need to modify the storm water pond which raises the cost barrier even higher.
These challenges would not exist if the extension was protected along the path the graders used to take the topsoil across the wetlands when they bulldozed the land. This is the location that is being changed to a single residence. Council should ensure this route is protected as part of the changes to File Z-2012-07. Having the developer lose 1 property to protect a significantly lower cost extension to the 8th should be insignificant to the developer, but is very significant to the Township. I am not sure why you, as the town planner, do not see this as the best interest for King Township.
Regarding traffic, was the Township’s plan to put all-way stops at every intersection on Hill Farm road? I certainly do not recall seeing this change in any traffic study. These stop sign additions clearly indicate there is a problem that the Township is trying to address.
My concerns are far from addressed. York Regional Police cannot keep up with the traffic violations on Hill Farm and Greenside. Adding more stop signs just makes the problem worse. The Township bylaw officers are not able to keep up with the bylaw violations in this area (if they are even trying).
This is a mess that is going past the front of my house every day. I would like to understand that there might be some hope in the future that this mess will spill out onto the 8th Concession instead.
Floyd Dickson
Greenside Dr.
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