Product Showcase

Hawaiian Lifeguard models are ‘hero’ tough

May 3, 2023   ·   0 Comments

If you just can’t wait to hit the beach, a lineup of colourful watches may just do the trick. At least it will make the wait much more tolerable. Hawaiian Lifeguard Association watches, from Time Concepts, are a great selection of extremely solid and durable waterproof timepieces.

Allpowers unit is your best back-up plan

You can disconnect and get off the grid, but you don’t have sacrifice backup power. As we prepare for summer adventures, portable power stations are a must. These light-weight, easy-to-carry units give us power we need in a pinch, which can sometimes be a lifesaver. Allpowers S300 (288 Wh) is a perfect little unit to keep with you at all times. Even if you’re not venturing into the wilderness, you can always take comfort that you have this handy power station if needed.

Cuisinart’s EvolutionX™ compact blender is your go-to companion

Canadians are taking their health more seriously, and are whipping up some amazing concoctions in no time flat. Juicers and blenders – small, often portable devices – are answering the call. In fact, research indicates portable blenders are soaring to an all-time high among consumers. Fortunately, there’s a wide variety of units to choose from. And once again, venerable kitchen appliance leader Cuisinart, is among the top contenders.

AMPRoad unit the best on-the-go booster

No one wants to be caught short, dead in the water without power. We rely too heavily on our powered devices to let this happen. Consumers should arm themselves and be prepared, literally for anything. A dead car battery, whether it’s in the driveway or parking lot, is almost inevitable. It’s something we will likely encounter more than once.

TouchPoints offer high-tech relief

We are all under stress these days and we’re searching for ways to alleviate our daily anxiety. Who wouldn’t want to ease stressful situations, literally at the push of a button? Thanks to TouchPoints, you can. TouchPoints work by altering the body’s stress response with scientifically-proven BLAST (Bi-lateral Alternating Stimulation Tactile) technology. BLAST uses gentle, alternating vibrations from each unit (on each side of the body) to shift your brain from your default “fight or flight” response to your calm and in-control response. Under stress, our bodies combat stress by going into the fight or flight mode, releasing endorphins.

Chicken Big Mac lands, and wow!

The chicken has landed. McDonald’s Canada launched the Chicken Big Mac March 7 and it’s worth checking out. This sandwich is a godsend – a new taste sensation reminiscent of an old favourite. The new Chicken Big Mac, features the iconic Big Mac® goodness with a chicken twist.

Hagley West presents nice, solid timepieces

Consumers are flooded with brand names, but when you look at smaller, independent designers, a whole new world opens up. That’s true in the microbrand watch market, where a cornucopia of great timepieces await. They may not be household names, but they are definitely high quality pieces crafted with a lot of TLC. Take Hagley West, which was literally born at the kitchen table of founder Tim Hayden.

Italian watchmaker Out of Order brings out the colours; just add ice!

Fashion, according to Miconia Praha, is “instant language.” And Twiggy once said that fashion should be stylish and fun. Well there’s no lack of fun in a new lineup of timepieces by Italian watch-maker Out of Order. The company, which espouses the sentiment “Damaged in Italy,” is offering something distressed and fresh.

Bluetti PV68 solar panel provides unlimited power

No one wants to be stuck, cut off from the rest of the world, without power. Thanks to Bluetti and its lineup of portable power stations and accessories, you don’t have to. In fact, pair any of their power units with a solar array and you can live comfortably, anywhere. Solar has come a long way and many are turning to this as not only a back-up system, but a primary source of off-grid electricity.

Memobottle is the ‘plastic bottle to end all bottles’

The messages are sinking in, and consumers are responding. There’s a huge movement to ban single-use plastics, in an effort to repair our planet. Many people have abandoned everything from plastic bags to water bottles, in an attempt to clean up our act.

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