July 17, 2024 · 0 Comments
By Mark Pavilons
The future of the Nobleton Community Hall is still up in the air.
Chris Fasciano, Director of Community Services, recent noted that currently, staff do not have direction on future plans, uses or improvements for the facility from council. However, staff are in the process of developing options and intend to present them to council for direction in the future.
He noted there are several ongoing initiatives that need to be contemplated prior to making a decision on the NCH. At minimum, the following needs to be completed prior to any staff presenting recommendation(s) to council:
Asset Management Plan for non-linear assets; Energy Management Plan Update; Facility Services Master Plan Update, and Neighbourhood Plans Exercise.
In light of the above, staff are only performing required preventive maintenance and continue to make the facility available for rentals where inquires are received. Since February 2024, the NCH has been rented three times.
“Given the role that pending studies have on future planning for the NCH, staff are not currently exploring options for grant funding. In addition, it is not anticipated that there will be 2025 budget requests associated with the NCH, unless otherwise directed by council,” Fasciano noted.
In a letter by resident Nancy Hopkinson, she pointed out remedial work on the hall should be undertaken as soon as possible.
She noted the eavestrough has finally been fixed but the parching of the sides and the concrete steps and platform are still looking terrible.
“There should be no need to wait for further reports before the outside of the building is repaired and before accessibility is achieved,” she said.
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