Tag Archive "mark-pavilons"

Home ownership requires a certain handiness

t’s been said that if your man isn’t handsome, he better be handy! Our species has succeeded and evolved, largely because we have hands, fingers and a decent-sized brain. We can conceptualize, design, build and create. It remains our strength over our fellow mammals on this planet. Imagine if our simian cousins could build structures and tools? That’s definitely a new Planet of the Apes movie to be sure.

A cancer journey changes you forever

It’s been said when you experience two things – love and grief – it changes you and you are never the same. I would add cancer to that list. Cancer changes you forever, mentally and physically. It’s like you’re constantly running away from danger and always looking over your shoulder for something that could harm you.

Perception of time varies among creatures

Most of us know that “time keeps on slippin,’ slippin,’ slipping’ into the future,” but its speed depends entirely what you are. We humans have a pretty good grasp on the passage of time, too good, in fact. We measure our hours, minutes, days, months and years by our orbit around the sun. Our concept of time only applies here on earth and no where else in the universe do our minutes apply.

Humans have the itch to travel and explore

Theo was spot on with many of his tidbits that he shared with generations of readers. “We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment,” read a mural at Hamilton International Airport. I saw the quote when I picked up my eldest from a short trip to Alberta to visit her cousin. Lexie is the world traveller of our family and “oh the things she has seen.” She’s been to Europe, New York and LA. She did humanitarian work in Rwanda and Kenya. She’s done work in Guatemala and spent time in a small fishing village.

Laughter saved the human species!

“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” Victor Borge didn’t know how right he was when he said that. Charles Dickens noted that nothing in the world is so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour. This truly human quality, one we take for granted, is likely responsible for us being at the top of the food chain.

Food woes compounded by questionable practices

Canadians are in the midst of one of the worst inflationary periods for food in our history. We’re plagued by high prices and scarce products on shelves. As polite Canucks, we didn’t say much when butter hit $7 per pound or a good steak breached the $30 mark. Those who do the grocery shopping each week know all too well how food prices are dinging the bank account.

Unclench and enjoy the simple pleasures

Imagine this: a man and his dog, sitting on a sidewalk bench on a pleasant Saturday afternoon. The little pup, whose adventures in the real world are limited, stayed close by the man’s side, watching as each car and person passed by. It was a lot for the little one to take in.

The inhospitable land of spoiled milk and tainted honey

Most of us are products (offspring) of immigrants to this great country of ours. As home-grown Canadians, we have never known anything else but the bounty this land has given us. For those who are multi-generational, their ancestors likely toiled the land, built lives and families here in Ontario.

Going ‘home’ through nostalgic lenses

There are plenty of songs, poems and quotes about the desire to “go home.” Sorry to say, it’s just not possible. We can never really go back home. Time is not very kind to us humans. If we could only freeze it, capture those special moments and hold on to them like the safety harness on a roller coaster.

Let’s remember to enjoy life as puppies do!

Dogs’ lives are too short. That’s really their only flaw. Dog owners know that once you have one, it’s hard to live without one. They are what they seem – curious, loving, mischievous, intelligent and well, crazy, at times. Sounds a lot like people.

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