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King OP review in its final stage

October 11, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By Mark Pavilons


The review of King’s Official Plan is entering the final stages and should be wrapped up by next spring.
Councillors received a staff report recently, updating them on the review process and remaining schedule.
This past March, staff circulated the first draft of the OP to Township departments, asking for feedback. The input was then summarized and given to the consultant for review and consideration. In August, a revised draft was received and it’s being reviewed once more. Staff hopes to release the first draft to council and the public in November.
After that, the public will have a chance to provide its input as we enter the third and final phase.
A public open house is planned for January 2018, followed by a statutory public meeting. A final, revised OP is expected between February and April, with the final document going to council in May 2018.
When the draft was released this past March, it hit a hurdle when the Nobleton Community Plan was appealed to the OMB.
Population statistics are being added to the document and the OP directions are that the majority of King’s growth be directed to the King City area.
While Nobleton could reach upwards of 10,900 people, it won’t be able to accommodate this growth by 2031, due to limits on water and sewers. To understand the growth potential of Nobleton, York Region has begin an environmental assessment process to explore servicing solutions. It’s expected this review will take a considerable amount of time, and therefore the OP will continue to urge that growth be limited to the King City area.
This past June, the urban zoning bylaws were approved for both Schomberg and King City. Again, appeals were launched in July and all required documentation submitted to the OMB. Currently, the more restrictive provisions of the two bylaws applies until the new bylaw comes into full effect.
The OP review, when completed, will strengthen King’s planning legislation and bylaws, to reinforce environmental protection, public health and safety, and create a natural heritage inventory. It will also develop a strategy for intensification and infill and ensure King’s financial sustainability.
Fund for the OP review were already included in the budgets through 2017.



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