
Strategic plan for Cold Creek in the works

October 15, 2014   ·   0 Comments

By Mark Pavilons
Cold Creek Conservation Area is one of King Township’s natural resources.
Ensuring its viability in the future is the task charged to consultants who will prepare a strategic plan for the site.
Council approved awarding Cambium the contract, for $21,756 for the study. Council had previously approved a total of $25,000 for the work in its 2014 budget.
Chris Fasciano, director of Parks, Recreation and Culture, noted the strategic plan will help take Cold Creek to the next level.
“The plan will evaluate the site feasibility to operate on a sustainable basis and set strategic priorities and goals to meet throughout the term,” he stated in his report to council.
The strategy will look at a forestry management plan, expansion of the public use area, addition of an electronic gate, addition of a natural playground, expansion of biking programs, creating on-site cabins and an outdoor camping area.
“Looking to the future, this study will help to set goals and priorities the needs of Cold Creek site with regards to facility needs, outdoor recreation/economic development opportunities, strategies and management recommendations,” Fasciano noted.
This plan is in keeping with strategies put in place under the Sustainability Plan that promotes tourism and generates revenue.
It also complements goals in the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan including positioning facilities as destinations for environmental outreach and stewardship services and connecting people to nature.
Through the new plan, and by enhancing partnerships with ASK, TRCA, KTHS and others, Cold Creek will continue to be a well used local resource.



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