General News

Showing support for King Township seniors

September 25, 2024   ·   0 Comments

King Township’s Community Services team received the Seniors Community Grant for the project a “Healthy Connection for a Happy and Healthy Future” in the amount of $14,500.
The goal of this project is to bring awareness to the topics of senior loneliness and social isolation, the affects that these have on a senior and the benefits of socialization.
The ceremony was held at the King City Seniors Centre guided by Mayor Steve Pellegrini, King-Vaughan MPP Stephen Lecce and Minister for Seniors and Accessibility, Raymond Cho.
The purpose of the Healthy Connection for a Happy and Healthy future is to bring awareness to the topics of senior loneliness and social isolation, the affects that these have on a senior and the benefits of socialization. The goal of this project is to educate seniors on these topics through a series of different activities, workshops and programs that will take place throughout the year. At the same time, we will also provide activities that encourage seniors to come in person to socialize with other individuals, make connections and get back out into their community.
Activities included in the grant are Brunch and learn series (presentations with guest speakers); Know a Senior See a Senior (socialization activity kits); Letters to Seniors (pen pal type program), and Grand Social Event.
Updates for these activities can be found at, calling 905-833-6565 or emailing



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