General News

King hitting all the marks as mid-term report reflects achievements

September 19, 2024   ·   0 Comments

By Mark Pavilons

Local Journalism Initiative

King is making “significant progress” in fiscal responsibility, environmental sustainability, community and customer services and experiences.
That was the message delivered by staff to council, in the 2023-2026 Mid-Term Achievements Report. The municipality is full steam ahead, making significant progress in areas of upmost importance to citizens including fiscal responsibility, climate change and sustainability, municipal planning and operations, economic vitality and community safety, as well as community and customer services and experience.
The report offers a comprehensive overview of the significant milestones and accomplishments that have positively impacted the community since the start of the current council term.
The report, a condensed version of the Township’s annual Community Report, highlights the Township’s commitment to transparency and accountability, key elements in maintaining the trust of both Council and the community. King Township consistently reports on progress against its Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP) goals and the performance of operational services, providing citizens with a clear picture of how their tax dollars are being utilized to enhance their quality of life.
The 2023-2026 Mid-Term Achievements Report features several key areas of accomplishment that resonate most with King’s citizens and have made a tangible difference in their daily lives:
King maintains a tax rate of 0.86%, the 12th lowest among 30 GTA municipalities (and the lowest among GTA municipalities with populations under 30,000), reflecting its commitment to responsible allocation of tax dollars.
Being transparent about how King invests these dollars back into the community, through regular progress and performance reporting, strengthens citizen trust in government.
Introduction of two new interactive online dashboards that provide real-time data on service performance and strategic project progress.
King has earned multiple accolades, including the Government Finance Officers Association Budget Presentation Award and a National Architecture Award for the King City Public Library and Seniors Centre.
The Township’s commitment to sustainability has been recognized with the Zero Carbon Building Design Certification for the Zancor Centre, the first in Canada to receive this certification, among other environmental awards.
King achieved a 17% reduction in corporate emissions from 2022, contributing to King’s goal of reducing community emissions by 35% by 2030.
More than Over 12,500 trees and shrubs have been planted, and invasive species removed, as part of the King Environmental Action program.
The Township has made significant strides in infrastructure development, including the completion of 18.3 lane kilometres of road improvements, and the launch of new urban design guidelines to shape future developments.
The Village Urban Design Guidelines have been established to shape and enhance new developments in King.
King has seen the opening of 27 new businesses and awarded over $70,000 in Community Improvement Plan Grants to boost local commerce.
Enhanced safety measures, including the installation of Automated Speed Enforcement Cameras and the expansion of the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS), demonstrate King’s commitment to community safety.
King has introduced several new programs, including the EnrichKING program and the Inclusive Programming initiative, ensuring that services are accessible and responsive to the needs of all citizens.
The launch of the Digital Transformation Framework and the AI powered “Kingsley” virtual assistant marks a significant step forward in modernizing service delivery and enhancing customer experiences.
The report underscores King’s dedication to delivering on its commitments and provides citizens with insight into how their tax dollars are being invested back into the community.
“The 2023-2024 Mid-Term Achievements Report is a testament to King Township’s commitment to transparency, accountability and continuous improvement. We’re proud of the progress we’ve made in enhancing the quality of life for our residents while responsibly managing resources. This report not only showcases our achievements but also reaffirms our dedication to making King a vibrant, sustainable and thriving community for everyone,” said Mayor Steve Pellegrini.
CAO Daniel Kostopoulos added: “With rapid changes locally and globally, transparency and accountability in government are more important than ever. Our Township continues to deliver results on the issues that matter most to council and citizens, including fiscal responsibility, climate change and sustainability, municipal planning and operations, economic vitality, community safety and customer service.”
In 2023, 94% of Township residents reports that King is a safe place to raise a family, and 8 of 10 noted that the community is economically vibrant. The municipality takes pride in maintaining this quality of life and community for its citizens and investing in economic development and safety efforts to do so.



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