General News

Guide Light offers added protection for homeowners

October 13, 2021   ·   0 Comments

By Mark Pavilons

Personal safety has been at the forefront during the pandemic.
While all eyes have been on COVID, personal protection doesn’t stop there.
For rural and urban residents, one simple device can save lives.
For Tony Nowzari, that’s the motivation behind his Guide Light, currently in use in communities across the province and Alberta.
He admitted there are many devices on the market that alert 911 or responders when there’s an emergency. But the key is they have to find you and get right to your door.
Guide Light helps pinpoint your location and directs emergency personnel to your home, saving valuable seconds.
It’s a simple, intelligent light bulb, complete with its own remote, that brings help right to your door. In fact, it’s been proven to save lives. Each bulb is synchronized to the remote.
You simply replace your existing exterior light bulb with the Guide Light. In the event of an emergency, it flashes red, alerting first responders and neighbours of trouble. The light can be seen a great distance away. Day or night, emergency personnel can find you much faster.
Guide Light has already been installed in many King homes and its response has been amazing. It has also saved lives and that’s what makes it all worthwhile.
“I want to get the Guide Light in everyone’s hands,” he said.
Not only does it direct personnel to your home from miles away, it alerts neighbours and passers-by that there’s an emergency. Even a stranger can be a hero in a time of need.
Nowzari noted that while GPS is a major benefit in locating people’s addresses, it’s not perfect, especially in rural or remote communities. Several Indigenous communities has expressed interest in the light. They can also be used on barns and other accessory buildings on large properties.
To date, lights thave been installed right across the Township, in York Region and across southern Ontario. There have been multiple Guide Light activations to date and front-line emergency personnel found the house immediately. Lives have been saved!
Nowzari has also received very positive response from fire departments across Alberta and even south of the border. The product is extremely well received at trade shows across North America.
He said his main motivation is to help seniors and the elderly who live alone. He has great respect for our seniors’ population, noting they worked hard to build this country of ours. They deserve to be protected and shouldn’t have to worry about their safety, he said.
The flashing red light can also alert neighbours and the police about threats like break-ins and home invasions. It also offers great peace of mind for those at home recovering from surgery who have limited mobility.
Nowzari said it’s like an insurance policy – you many not need it today, but when you do, it’s a life-saver.
He’s passionate and he’s always giving back to the communities who use the Guide Light. A percentage of sales go to charities and to help supporting seniors.
This is his way of showing his gratitude for living and working in Canada for many years.
Nowzari also said once you have one installed, you can let the local fire department know.
He also has a relatively new design – a smoke detector and light combination – with technology that alerts 911, sends texts and even opens the front door so responders don’t have to break it down.
Nowzari pointed out it’s an ideal community funding project and it’s in everyone’s best interest. He’s urging corporate sponsors to get on the bandwagon and pitch in so every single resident of the region can rest easy with yet another level of community protection.
Nowzari, president and founder of Safety Aid, said the light is not only for first responders, but neighbours as well. If an emergency occurs and the victim cannot call 9-1-1 but manages to activate the light, neighbours can still respond. In fact, this scenario has played out several times and neighbours came to the person’s aid.
For more on the product itself, contact Nowzari at 416-876-1010 or [email protected]



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