March 2023 Archive

Hagley West presents nice, solid timepieces

Consumers are flooded with brand names, but when you look at smaller, independent designers, a whole new world opens up. That’s true in the microbrand watch market, where a cornucopia of great timepieces await. They may not be household names, but they are definitely high quality pieces crafted with a lot of TLC. Take Hagley West, which was literally born at the kitchen table of founder Tim Hayden.

Taste of Main returns to historic Schomberg Main Street

The annual showcase of Schomberg eateries has returned once more. Through March 5, residents and visitors are indulging in enticing flavours from Main Streets finest cuisine with seven participating restaurants including Craft Kitchen & Beer Bar, The Schomberg Pub & Patio, Port Soirée, Hollywood Pizza, Leonardo’s Pizzeria & Smokehouse, 307 on Main Café, and Grackle Coffee Company.

King, York, enjoy gas tax funding

The Ontario government is providing more than $379.5 million to help 107 municipalities operate and improve local transit. The funding is being delivered through the ...

Don’t be stingy with compliments

We just missed “World Compliment Day,” held March 1, but it’s something that can be held every day! The sentiment behind the day is to spread joy through simple verbal affirmations of appreciation. It costs absolutely nothing at all.

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