December 2022 Archive

Unleash The Beast, improve your health

We don’t all have personal trainers or nutritionists. But we do have personal blenders. These “single-serve blenders” come in many shapes and sizes to suit all needs. They have also have become the fastest growing segment of the blender appliance category due to the popularity of healthy smoothies.

Bluetti delivers power when you need it with its EB3A

There are those who prefer to be “off the grid,” but most of us need access to power all the time. For outdoor adventurers and backyard enthusiasts, a compact, convenient source of power is a lifesaver. Today, it’s almost a necessity. Thankfully, Bluetti Power has come to the rescue with a lineup of amazing, portable power stations.

Instant Pot air fryers make cooking a breeze

Air fryers are the new staple in most kitchens today. They’re convenient, easy to use and easy to clean. If you’re in the market for one, you have a lot to choose from. Instant Pot, the iconic brand that brought the world their rice/pressure cookers, has a great selection. I recommend going bigger, in terms of capacity.

Absentmindedness is my new normal

I’m with ya, Norm. My car is supposed to prevent the absent minded driver from locking his keys inside. Alas, it’s been some time since I read the manual and I’m not sure where I put it. There I was on a sunny November day watching the comings and goings at a local grocery store. I was leaning on my car because I locked myself out.

KCSS girls crowned YRAA champs, fall in OFSAA

In some cases, when you walk into something not knowing what to expect, it could go incredibly well or crumble at your feet in an instant. When KCSS Lions girls’ basketball coaches Brian Ramposo, Argentina Andrade and Jeff Masterson came into this calendar year, they had no clue what they could have anticipated. All they knew was that basketball was back and their two-year absence away from the court due to COVID, had lifted. The Lions kicked off the senior girls tier two season back on September 28 against a top team in Bayview SS.

Community booster Beharriell passes away

An active and outspoken community pillar has passed away. LCol (ret’d) Susan Beharriell died Dec. 2 after a tough battle with cancer. Susan was a volunteer, and community activist, and regularly voiced concerns at King council meetings. You could find her at almost every local event, festival and parade, showing her pride for both our country and our community. She was a strong advocate for veterans and was happy to speak at almost any event to any organization.

Premier joins sponsorship event in King aimed at enhancing local business

King welcomed some high-profile special guests to ignite a spark under the local economy. More than 150 people attended a special event hosted by the Township of King and the King Chamber of Commerce at the Kingbridge Conference Centre. The King Chamber is integral to a strong local economy, Mayor Steve Pellegrini told attendees at the Chamber Business Development Breakfast, a sponsorship event aimed at enhancing the Chamber’s growth and momentum.

Be ‘Creative’ with your sound

Technology gives us access to our favourite tunes all the time. Connecting our devices to a decent speaker will make our spirits bright, literally. Creative offers a vast array of audio products, from work solutions and headphones to all sorts of speakers.

Ziiiro creates celestial joy

Humans are innovative creatures, always reaching for the stars. The recent images from space thanks to Hubble and James Webb telescopes have really opened our eyes. Along the lines of wonder and amazement, today’s timepieces can be equally magical.

Modern sustainable candles light the way

A candle loses nothing by lighting another.” Pretty profound, but true. Candles, literally for millennia, have shown us the way and turned dark into light. Shedding some light into the comfort of your home in a sustainable way is what Everlasting Candle Company is all about.

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