December 2021 Archive

Report demands international investigation into PS752 tragedy

Key findings from an independent report on the Flight PS752 tragedy shows more damning evidence against Iran. And the organization behind it is hoping the world will take notice and keep pushing for justice. “The Lonely Fight for Justice, An Investigative Analysis on the Ukraine International Airline,” was released during a Zoom webinar last week. The comprehensive, 217-page fact-finding report was led by the Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims.

Timekettle makes giant leap forward with translation buds

The world is getting smaller and smaller, thanks to technology. Some clever companies are bringing human beings closer together with some amazing, innovative technology. Timekettle Technologies presents its WT2 Edge, an unrivalled earbud translation device. The WT2 Edge, just launched in North America, is a perfect gizmo for any traveller or business person.

King updates its Recreation Master Plan

King council has given its stamp of approval to an update of its Park, Recreation and Community Master Plan. The plan was last updated in 2013 to provide short and long-term perspectives and provision of municipal services. It’s a document that’s used extensively by staff as a valuable tool to help shape council decisions.

Freedom brings with it responsibility

Canadians enjoy a multitude of rights and freedoms. Most are enshrined in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, an impressive document that outlines many fundamental freedoms in our society.

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