June 2015 Archive

Kettleby’s heritage shines with new historyboards in the park

The residents of Kettleby welcomed some new additions to the village park this past weekend, thanks to the King Township Historical Society. The park, which lies at the base of the village, is now the home of three symbolic historyboards.

King hosts paranormal gathering

A day-long event will bring together some world class paranormal experts in King City.

The Schomberg Agricultural Society crowns a new Fair Ambassador

The grey skies and downpour of rain at the 165th Schomberg Agricultural Spring Fair on Saturday couldn’t dampen the spirits of Holly Dobson, the newly crowned 2015-2016 Schomberg Fair Agricultural Ambassador.

Mock disaster brings EOC together for training exercise

King Township experienced a mock disaster Friday morning that saw a mass evacuation of thousands of residents and students from the village of King City. It also closed the municipal office.

Fire destroys King home

Investigators are still trying to determine the cause and extent of damage to a King Township home that was gutted by fire May 25.

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