
Men concerned about ‘becoming their dad’

August 26, 2014   ·   0 Comments

“OMG, you’re just like your dad!”

Middle class is asset rich, but cash poor

Mark Pavilons   It’s no secret that most Canadians are asset rich, but cash poor. This weekend’s garden tour, sponsored by the Nobleton & King City ...

Fathers and daughters are a strange mix

Parents, the world over, may not fully realize the role they play in their children’s lives. There are intricate dichotomies when it comes to fathers and sons and fathers and daughters. Since I have two of the latter, I can offer some insights into dealing with girl children.

Rewarding mediocrity and bad behaviour

One doesn’t have to look far these days for some eyebrow-raising incidents.

Longing for the return of common sense

A recent study in the U.S. found that 55% of average Americans felt they were smarter than average Americans. And only 4% said they were below average in the smarts department.

Paying respect to the ‘good, old days’

Every generation has its unique insights and plight in our society. And every generation makes jest of the previous one.

Maintaining a sense of community

Our sense of community has changed over the decades. Our lives are quite hectic these days and we have to contend with many stresses. When times are tough, or at least a little complex, we need the comfort of friends and neighbours.

One good turn is always appreciated

Hopefully, acts of kindness are still in vogue. We are about to celebrate Good Turn Week (April 26 to May 4), boosted by Scouts Canada.

Climate change is already here

Climate change, like gravity, is not a matter of opinion. In the summer of 2003, 52,000 people died in Europe as a consequence of the heat wave. A refrigerated warehouse outside Paris was used by undertakers as they did not have enough space in their own facilities.

Virtual worlds fraught with dangers for all ages

The Internet today is a weird and wonderful place. It’s also a virtual world filled with almost everything imaginable – and unfortunately, many things unimaginable.

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