Tag Archive "ukraine"

Canadian report blocks path to justice, families say

Canada is standing firm that Iran takes full responsibility in the downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752, and will strongly pursue all avenues for reparations. That vow came from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week, when The Canadian Forensic and Examination Team released its report. The report stopped short of saying the tragedy was premeditated and some vagarities in the report are seen as a hurdle to getting justice, according to families of victims.

Nobleton man says Iranian report ‘deceives’ and ‘denies’ responsibility

Iran’s final report into the downing of Ukrainian Flight 752 is nothing but “lies and misleading information,” according to a local man who lost his wife and son in the tragedy. Shahin Moghaddam says it’s up to the governments of the world, including Canada, to seek the truth and push for action. Moghaddam wants the federal government to take a stronger stance and abandon its “no action policy.” He said the Islamic regime blamed the missile station operator and acquitted all the commanders of the IRGC and Ali Khamenei, as well as the commander-in-chief of the Iranian armed forces, “who were directly responsible for this criminal act.”

Ukrainians horrified by downing of airliner

“This can’t be true,” says Yuliya, a young girl in Western Ukraine with her eyes glued to her iPhone as she reads the news. To her, as for many others in Ukraine, this has become ritual since the anti-terrorist operation began in Donetsk and Luhansk.

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