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Large win margins for King’s incumbent MPPs

February 28, 2025   ·   0 Comments

By Mark Pavilons
Local Journalism
Initiative Reporter

Both of King’s MPPs were re-elected by large margins over their opponents, in Thursday’s provincial election.
The majority victory for Doug Ford’s Conservatives saw voter confidence grow locally, giving both Conservative politicians a renewed mandate.
Stephen Lecce took King-Vaughan handily, earning 28,529 votes, for a 64.18% share of the vote.
He had a 16,077-vote margin over Liberal candidate Gillian Vivona, who collected 12,452 votes or 28%.
NDP Rick Morelli was third with 1,714 votes, or a 3.86% share.
Green Party candidate Ann Raney was 4th, earning 933 votes and a 2.1% share.
Christopher Bressi, New Blue Party candidate, came in 5th with 569 votes, or 1.28% of the vote. Maria Morgis pulled up the rear with 256 votes, or .58% of the vote.
In King-Vaughan there were 111,214 registered voters and voter turnout this time was 39.97%.
In York-Simcoe, incumbent Caroline Mulroney’s showing was equally strong. She earned 24,705 votes, for 59.4% of the vote. She held a 14,768-vote margin over the Liberal candidate Fatima Chaudhry, who pulled in 9,937 votes for a 23.89% share.
NDP candidate Justin Graham was next with 3,216 votes, or a 7.73% share of the vote.
Green candidate Jennifer Baron was 4th with just over 2,000 votes and a 4.82 share.
New Blue Party candidate Brent Fellman was next with 841 votes, or a 2% share.
Libertarian candidate Sean Conroy followed with 434 votes; just over 1% of the vote.
Ontario Party candidate Alana Hollander was next with 317 votes and Ontario Moderate Party candidate Franco Colavecchia was last with 138 votes.
York-Simcoe had a 40% voter turnout with 103,146 registered electors.



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