October 2022 Archive

Locals meet with Minister Thompson about issues

Grass roots agricultural issues were front and centre at a local round-table discussion recently. Lisa Thompson, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, joined King-Vaughan MPP Stephen Lecce and a number of agricultural representatives in Vaughan for a frank and open discussion. On hand at Sant Greenhouses in Vaughan were Councillor Avia Eek and her husband Bill, representing the Holland Marsh.

Humans driven to make a difference

When we stop making a difference, perhaps it’s time to leave, or at least make a 180. No one wants to be a dunsel. I don’t know when I began to fade, like a mid-day shadow. Perhaps I just hid from the sun, more and more. I think I want to take deeper breaths, soak up the sun on my face until it sets, and maybe smile at strangers a little more.

French flavours abound at upcoming Sip & Savour fundraiser

Qui n’aime pas Paris?A lot of lights and a dash of love, that’s Paris. On Thursday, Oct. 20, experience the sights, sounds and tastes of ...

Volunteers join Kingbridge on National Tree Day

A group of passionate volunteers joined forces at The Kingbridge Centre to celebrate National Tree Day Sept. 21 by planting 1,000 trees in just three hours. The morning’s activities were led by Sheepdog Carbon, a portfolio company within the Kingbridge Innovation Hub that is operated by Canadian veterans. The event brought together volunteers from Seneca College, Climate Action King, The King Chamber, King Township and The Kingbridge team.

King approves updated rural bylaw for first time in 40 years

Setting the direction for King’s rural countryside is now cast in stone. Council approved its long-awaited Zoning Bylaw for the Countryside Area, updating its current 48-year-old document. Covering 80% of the King’s geographic area, the bylaw not only conforms to the OP, regional and provincial policies, it recognizes the importance of our agricultural and environmental lands.

Things we should be teaching our children

We’re all products of the education system. Some are recent graduates, others like us Boomers, are throw-backs to simpler times. But we’re all formed, molded and changed by those years in high school and post-secondary school. Most of us remember those times, awkward moments and yes, shenanigans, in high school. Weird sentiments in our yearbooks stand as testaments to times enjoyed, but forgotten.

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