
Beth Underhill wins €500,000 Rolex Grand Prix

May 11, 2022   ·   0 Comments

Canadian Olympian Beth Underhill of Mulmer won the €500,000 Rolex Grand Prix of La Baule May 8, to close out the CSIO5* International Jumping La ...

Victoria Day in Nobleton

Victoria Day is back in full swing this year.The festivities kick off with the Victoria Day Parade at 11 a.m. It winds its way along ...

King reviewing condo proposal; residents say it’s too large

Plans for a six-storey condo building in Schomberg has drawn public scrutiny and initial opposition. Township staff are reviewing the proposal by Marcor Realty and residents voiced their concerns at the first public meeting recently.

Cardinal is ready to host the charity golf challenge yet again

The ninth annual Charity Golf Challenge is under way in support of We Care as patrons can begin purchasing their e-vouchers online. As of now, 17 golf lovers have already purchased their rounds leaving 135 rounds of golf available for the summer. If you purchase your round before July 1, you will have a chance to win a foursome on Cardinal’s East Wing.

Council voices ‘disdain’ for Bill 109; asks Province to reopen it

Fears that Bill 109 will severely hinder municipal autonomy has prompted King councillors to ask the Province to put the breaks on the legislation. Council passed a motion recently, asking that the Province “take no further action” with Bill 109, the More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022, which received Royal Assent on April 14, until municipalities and other stakeholders can be included in a consultation process.

Kimblade wipers outperform the rest

Canadian weather is brutal on our automobiles. Keeping our windshields clean is paramount to safe driving, through all four seasons. While wiper materials may have changed, the design has remained traditional. Until Kimblade arrived with its unique shape.

King breaks ground on Township-Wide Recreation Centre

Friday was a historic day in King as three levels of government came together to celebrate the Township’s newest project. King councillors, government representatives and members of Seneca College put shovels in the ground, marking the official launch of the Township-Wide Recreation Centre.

NASA-inspired sleep aid raises the bar

Too much “screen time” is interfering with our sleep patterns. Sleep deprivation, even in small amounts, is disrupting our lives and impacting our health. Those who have trouble getting to sleep will try almost every remedy in the book.

King Rebellion U13 AE saved the best for last

The King Rebellion U13 AE team defeated the Orillia Terriers 6-2 two weekends ago, to capture the York Simcoe Minor Hockey Championship. “Honestly, it rounds out a year, where we set expectations for the team and we really felt, that we played our best hockey at the end of the season,” said head coach John Fiacco.

Council advances Tasca Park improvements

Nobleton’s Tasca Park is expanding, getting some amazing new amenities. King council gave their stamp of approval to the newest phase of work recently. This new phase was in the works but was previously delayed due to funding restraints.

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