
Local girl proud to represent Team Canada in Michigan

August 10, 2022   ·   0 Comments

By Robert Belardi

Long-time King Weekly Sentinel delivery girl, Tristan Tobin, has a lot more to her than just throwing your newspaper on your front porch.
The 14-year-old, King Township native will be representing Team Canada, at the North American Youth Championships in Traverse City, Michigan this week.
It has been quite a long journey for Tobin and one that began right at the height of COVID.
While enduring the hardships of online school, she made it a goal of hers to get into equestrian and to earn a spot on the Young Riders team. Throughout her time, Tobin, also crafted a lengthy power-point presentation to showcase her dreams in front of both of her parents Kyle Tobin and Jenny Dwight.
“COVID taught me to work independently and remotely so I can stay connected and keep up with my classes,” Tobin said, in a press release sent over to The Sentinel.
Following endless hours of practice, Tobin achieved her goal of getting comfortable enough in handling a 1.20 height.
With her sister Reese as her inspiration, Tobin will be riding her sister’s jump horse, Dartagnan Z.
Nicknamed “Dart,” the Zangersheide Gelding horse, is her trusty side-kick, as Tobin, follows in her sisters’ path. Reese, was a former competitive rider.
In a written letter to the Tobin family from Chief Executive Officer from Equestrian Canada, Meg Krueger said Tobin was highly praised for her “perseverance, adaptability and strength of character.”
Tobin and “Dart” have been training in Schomberg at Gryphon Farms by Mac and Christi McQuaker. Tobin, is humbled and extremely excited to represent her country.
The NAYC, runs from August 9 to 14.



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