
Climate change ‘nightmares are here’

September 30, 2015   ·   0 Comments

On Aug. 5, Rolling Stone magazine published an article by Eric Holthaus titled “The point of no return: climate change nightmares are already here.”

Importance of making family memories

Spending time together as a family should be the top priority on our agendas. But sadly, it often takes a back seat to other more pressing matters.

Time to reduce, reuse, rethink, relax

The long weekend has come and gone, and so we now look to back to school, harvesting the fields of plenty, and girding our loins for the upcoming federal election.

We can all help restore Monarch habitats

I’m very fond of my 50-year-old lilac bush. It grows on my property. For many years, every spring I observed it with great anticipation. It used to be the feeding ground for migrant Monarch butterflies arriving from the south.

Earth’s oceans are the final frontier

Humans are tied to the ocean and former U.S. President John F. Kennedy said when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch, we are going back from whence we came.

It’s not easy being a high profile politician

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, during his stop in King last week, said “... there is no higher calling than that of raising a child, and no greater reward.”

Too much power is in the PMO

It is interesting to note the different approaches that people take in considering the Senate of Canada. Mr. Wm. Gairdner has written a quite enlightening article about the Senate in which he points out the general attitude of many people who cry for “democracy” and “freedom” as opposed to the idea of an “unelected Senate.” He is quite right that “there is a widespread desire for the full expression of personal appetites,” and that “senates are an intolerable brake on the pure will of the people.”

Pursuing the creation of artificial intelligence

I love science fiction. And I love the idea that we may one day have robots among us, performing various tasks in our society. But ultimately, it’s a sort of catch-22 in our evolution.

Recycling fraught with challenges

As my wise old dad used to say, “Son, always leave your campsite cleaner than you found it.” That adage really hit home when I began to look at my own community as “my campsite.”

Insect consumption may be the answer

I don’t know if the world was ever designed to house and feed more than 7 or 8 billion souls. There are those who are already ringing the alarm bells, saying we need to re-examine our food sources and agricultural production methods, to ensure long-term sustainability.

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