Tag Archive "mark-pavilons"

Defining what it means to be human

We human beings are curious, intelligent critters. We shed our furry bodies and tiny tails and achieved great things over the millennia. But what makes us unique and what separates us from the rest of Earth’s flora and fauna?

Splurging means getting ‘fries with that’

With a few “extra” bucks in my pocket, I decided to splurge, run some errands and get the family some take-out one recent Friday afternoon. “Splurge?” My first stop was the LCBO for some overdue “tonic.” My poison of choice went up $2 since I last purchased it. Next stop, grabbing a couple of long “underwater” sandwiches. My pocket became $22 lighter.

Humans driven to make a difference

When we stop making a difference, perhaps it’s time to leave, or at least make a 180. No one wants to be a dunsel. I don’t know when I began to fade, like a mid-day shadow. Perhaps I just hid from the sun, more and more. I think I want to take deeper breaths, soak up the sun on my face until it sets, and maybe smile at strangers a little more.

Things we should be teaching our children

We’re all products of the education system. Some are recent graduates, others like us Boomers, are throw-backs to simpler times. But we’re all formed, molded and changed by those years in high school and post-secondary school. Most of us remember those times, awkward moments and yes, shenanigans, in high school. Weird sentiments in our yearbooks stand as testaments to times enjoyed, but forgotten.

You can’t always build a better mousetrap!

Our technology is moving at light speed and we’re continually pushing boundaries and coming up with innovative solutions. We’ve come so far in such a short span of time, almost exponential. And yet, in 2022, there are many contraptions, contrivances and yes food staples that have gone unchanged. It’s been said that you just can’t build a better mousetrap, noting that one simple device has stood the test of time and can’t be improved.

A sense of calm is important for us all

We’re all familiar with Winston Churchill’s oft-copied sentiment “stay calm and carry on.” In fact, we now see various iterations of it on our shirts and coffee mugs, almost like a call to action. Humans have been burdened by stress since the dawn of time and yes, my friends, that will be our undoing.

Adults find joy in the simplest things

Those who’ve spent any time at all in “adulthood” know the drawbacks and pitfalls. Bob Newhart once warned us not to run into adulthood: “it isn’t all that much fun.” Canadian band The Pursuit of Happiness (I’m an Adult Now, 1985) pointed out when we’re adults we don’t hate our parents anymore and we have our own reasons to drink. While we can sleep in any time we want, we don’t because there’s too much to do.

Putting our collective talents together

A funny internet cartoon pointed out that you can lead a human to knowledge but you can’t make him think. So true. Today, we are at the height of knowledge as a species. We have so much technology, medical prowess and wealth of information that it’s simply astounding. And what do we do with it? Not much.

Being true guardians of the planet and nature

Most of us should realize by now we are only temporary guardians of this planet. Our time is limited and yet our history, traditions and land ownership patterns have contributed to inequality, greed and a false sense of security.

We 50-somethings are the real deal!

Being older and wiser can have its advantages. While I still feel young at heart, I am closing in on the final few chapters of my life. It’s funny that when we Boomers think back about our youth we feel old. I remember our first microwave and colour TV. I remember dial phones in that weird beige colour. I remember heading to the dump on weekends with my dad.

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