Tag Archive "mark-pavilons"

Resident creates life-size TARDIS on his property

We all like to get away from it all at times. For one resident, all he has to do is walk across his front lawn and be sent clear across the galaxy. Or at least that’s the idea. Alan Hart, who lives on Mount Wolfe Road on the Caledon-King border, created a full-scale replica of the TARDIS, an iconic piece of hardware from the long-running British science fiction show, Doctor Who. The TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) is as recognizable as the starship Enterprise, but less cumbersome.

Newspapers, people help document local history

We are not as tiny as we are led to believe. Human history is brimming with stories, anecdotes, tales and documented events. It’s filled with people, seemingly unassuming sorts, who’ve changed history. Many more had smaller parts to play in this drama that has taken tens of thousands of years to unfold.

A word to our youth – you don’t know everything!

Mark Pavilons “I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolous youth of today, for certainly all ...

Embrace the kind souls you encounter!

There are tremendous opportunities to learn all around us. Life is one big skill-testing question and we can do well, if we only take the time to look, listen and absorb.

Why dogs are better than our biggest ‘money pits’

Children, like dogs, seem to like me. Call it animal magnetism. Children aren’t like cars, motorcycles, airplanes, your favourite CD or even a really good pair of jeans.

Assisted suicide will become a reality

Canada will have legislation governing physician-assisted suicide, ending decades-long debates about the touchy subject of euthanasia.

Parenting just gets more complicated

Children. Seemed like such a good idea we had three of them. What were we thinking?

Grasping the beginnings of life in the universe

Nihil fit ex nihilo – Nothing comes from nothing.

Democracy in action at the local level

Taxpayers deserve accountability. And they deserve an open, frank explanation of where their money goes.

Fine-tuning a budget is never easy

Every year our esteemed local politicians and staff set about a laborious and delicate task of creating a multi-million-dollar game plan for this municipality. Regardless of the upper-level expertise, it’s never easy and the process is fraught with hurdles, pitfalls and ramifications.

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