Tag Archive "mark-pavilons"

Do individual rights trump those of society?

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. Top-down dictatorships, socialist nations and communist ideology put the “state” ahead of the individual. We here in the free west have grown accustomed to our liberal rights, and shun those other systems.

Mathews plans record-breaking Moraine trek

Completing a marathon is a lofty goal, and one that’s on many people’s bucket list. But a marathon a day, for an entire week? That’s the challenge Kelly Mathews has created for herself. She’s put together the Oak Ridges Moraine Trail 300km hike (ORMT300), to raise money for both the Oak Ridges Trail Association and Seneca College’s King Campus expansion.

Saving all the milestones of mankind

Human beings are interesting creatures. Our own brains are like mini super-computers, holding a vast amount of information that we’ve gathered over our lifetimes. A big part of who we are, and where we came from, are our memories.

Are our students ready to tackle the world?

From the time our ancestors created language, to today’s high-tech world, parenting has remained largely unchanged.

It’s all about living with nature

It’s really funny, when we humans assert ourselves as the top of the food chain. Funny because we were not only late to the table, but likely got here by accident.

Memories are worth their weight in gold

We are the culmination of our thoughts, feelings and most of all, our experiences. Those twists and turns, dead ends, delays and new routes we took are part of who we are.

Are we doomed by our own creations?

World renowned physicist Professor Stephen Hawking says our species could be wiped out by our own creations within the next century.

Are guns really the problem?

Given the rash of gun violence south of the border, I’d like to examine the issue and reflect on the whole, “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” idea.

We can make it feel a lot like Christmas

The lack of snow in these parts has somewhat put a damper on the holidays. There are several reasons that it’s not beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Can we all help to save the world?

Recent events have shown just how altruistic people can be. Canadians are known for their generosity and desperate times call for desperate measures to be sure. We are rising to the challenges ahead to help our fellow men, women and children.

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