Tag Archive "mark-pavilons"

Enjoying other worlds and those who bring them to life

Record numbers of humans and extraterrestrials descended upon the Metro Convention Centre over the Labour Day long weekend, in search of answers. What they found, amidst the hundreds if not thousands of costume-clad individuals, was a place where time stood still and reality was merely an opinion.

Zoning change first step in sale of municipal property

A change in zoning is the first step in preparing the current municipal office site for sale. With the construction of the new municipal centre under way, King will sell its current home – the strip plaza on King Road and Banner Lane. To help facilitate the sale, and provide options in keeping with the King City Community Plan, council gave staff the go-ahead to look into rezoning the property.

Council to keep user fee hikes to a minimum

User fees in King will rise again in 2017, but they’ll be in line with the rate of inflation. In a call by Mayor Steve Pellegrini, Township staff will revisit their user fee recommendations, keeping the hikes within a reasonable 2.5%

Too old to wear skinny jeans!

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they realize they just can’t compete with the youngins. Alas, the body raises the white flag long before our minds and wisdom begin to fail. So here we are, my fellow 50-somethings – smart, experienced, funny and genuine souls, who are deemed too old to wear a sports jersey!

Our youngsters feeling more stress, too

Adults haven’t cornered the market on stress. Yes, we deal with it every day, 24/7. But so do our youngsters and teens in particular.

Remembering those little things with dad

Fathers and sons have an unusual relationship at times. At a certain age, hugs are replaced with high-fives, fist bumps or shoulder nudges.

Lefties have a better chance of surviving the Zombie Apocalypse!

I’m referred to as “awkward, gauche, sinister” all because I’m a southpaw.

We’re constantly reinventing ourselves

Is this really my life? Has anyone else out there ever asked themselves this question?

Riding the notes back in time

There are pivotal moments in our lives that stand out clearly. We recall vividly all the births, deaths, special occasions and vacations. We remember tragedies with equal clarity.

At odds with our survival instinct

What drives Earth’s creatures to survive? Is it all pre-determined and wired into our biological systems? Or is it a conscience effort to do what’s necessary to carry on the species?

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