Tag Archive "mark-pavilons"

This time I will walk the walk on mission trip

Writers write. We tell stories. Sometimes we witness events first-hand. Often, we help others retell their tales of adventure, both tragic and happy. We get a story, or message across to others. In a way, we help readers live vicariously through others. If done well, that can be a really powerful thing.

Democracy is the best system we have

The people have spoken. This pretty much sums up the fundamentals of our democratic system in a nutshell. Sure, our form of government may not be perfect, but it’s the very foundation of our society.

The Iron Pup offers unique protection

Pet owners would do anything for their beloved, four-legged family members. In rural areas, pets face a number of natural hazards and there has been an increase in attacks by predators, particularly coyotes. To ease her own peace of mind, and provide dogs with added protection, a King City area resident has come up with an innovative solution. The Iron Pup puncture-proof coat is the brainchild of Jasmine Montreuil.

We’re all to blame for the current state of affairs

What’s wrong with the world today? How often have you heard that question? How often have you asked it?

What’s on the mind of today’s youth?

We tend to criticize our youth for being unprepared for the harsh, cruel world that currently exists. If they are ill equipped to meet the current and future challenges, the solution rests with us – parents, teachers and society as a whole.

Sensitivity or just knee-jerk reaction?

What is happening in our society? With horrible strife and conflict in Africa, and an odd U.S. election campaign, it’s good to see we’re now taking on serious issues at home – whether sports logos and team names are “racist,” and removing clown paraphernalia from store shelves.

Confronting our fears can be daunting

As we approach the festive Halloween season, we’re inundated with images of the supernatural and from beyond the grave. It’s all in good fun, of course. Confronting our fears, however, can be a bit of a challenge for some.

Social media lowering our collective IQs

Those of us who are “connected,” have a grasp on the power of social media. But in reality, we’re like little children playing with a new toy, not fully understanding how it works or what it is. We just push all the buttons, leap on the information highway and join the long “commute” to our destination.

Moving the McGillivrays receives amazing response

The biggest residential home build of Scott McGillivray’s career has come with its own unique challenges. And those are revealed, for the whole world to see, weekly on TV. Moving the McGillivrays is a 10-part series on HGTV Canada that welcomes viewers into Scott McGillivray’s family life and home. It follows the McGillivrays’ real-life adventures as they build their dream home together in King Township.

King putting more teeth into response to Province

The updating of important provincial legislation is causing a lot of frustration among municipal politicians and planning staff alike.

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