Tag Archive "mark-pavilons"

Will self-driving cars save us all?

If you look really closely at our habits in the “first world,” you’ll undoubtedly uncover some nasty bits, sort of like the mucky stuff under rocks that bugs like so much. We are the authors of our own story. And the current edition of humankind contains all the aspects of a great story – greed, hubris, irony, grief, sadness, regret ....

Struggling with career advice for my kids

Young people are the future. That has always been the case. What has changed are the spectrum of careers and ways post-secondary institutions prepare our young to tackle the great unknown.

Sustainability should be part of everyone’s vocabulary

The term sustainability is defined as “the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance.” King Township expanded on this and widened its reach to include almost every aspect of community living. While often associated with the environment, sustainability in King is all encompassing. It’s about who we are and where we’re going.

Parenting requires tilting your head a bit

“Be happy. Stop being who you are!” These words came not from a parent or counsellor. These were uttered by my 11-year-old daughter, who tried to get me out of a funk recently. She’s quite astute, even though she’s still struggling with pre-teen emotions and doesn’t really have a handle on grown-up issues.

Salaries the biggest cost of running the country

Governments don’t tend to be well oiled corporations. They tend to operate in the red most of the time. Governments, at all levels, are responsible to us, the taxpayers. We elect them and trust them with looking after the public good. Citizens can be quite demanding at times. We ask for high quality roads and transit options; emergency services; health care and police protection. We expect that our garbage gets picked up at the end of our driveway or laneway on time.

Big Brother watching our every move!

Gone are the dark days of the Cold War. The Orwellian future of bleak, government-controlled surveillance never materialized. Or so we thought.

Top regrets should motivate us all

As human beings, regret remains as one of our frailties. That being said, we can avoid the host of emotions associated with regret if, in fact, we leave no stone unturned in our lives.

King pilot’s historic adventure marks Canada’s anniversary, supports charities

A King pilot has combined his love of flying and adventure, into a very special goodwill trek part-way around the world. Kingscross resident Steven Dengler and his father Bob have created the C150 GlobalOdyssey (C150GO). It will be the world’s first Canadian around-the-world helicopter flight, and the first-ever father-son global circumnavigation by aircraft.

How are you ‘living the dream?’

Pinch me, because I’m not “living the dream” and I’d very much like to wake up! We often toss around this sarcastic response about life, but I thought I’d delve deeper into why into this so-called “dream life” we’re living.

Prejudice feeds on fear and ignorance

Fear and ignorance are two of the most volatile components of our species’ shortcomings. They are largely responsible for some of humankind’s violent history

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