Tag Archive "mark-pavilons"

Loss creates discussion and speculation

The loss of a longtime friend and colleague took many by surprise recently. When you lose a peer, you become a bit shaken. It’s a wake-up call, and reminds us all of our mortality. We all know that as mortal human beings, we will one day pass on, but we do everything we can to avoid this eventuality. Many don’t like talking about it, either.

King’s promotion is paying dividends

More people from far and wide are “experiencing King.” The Township’s website, marketing and Experience King branding are paying off and boosting local tourism.

King’s Scheinberg family makes major donation to Seneca

The Scheinberg family continues to make inroads in the King community. Rob Scheinberg and his wife, Danielle Eden, are founders of Dog Tales Rescue and Sanctuary near King City. They recently made a gift to Seneca College that will support equipment upgrades for the Veterinary Technician program, as well as the construction of Magna Hall.

Data leaks are the price of mega-technology

We’ve been enjoying the connectivity the Internet brings for almost 40 years now. Can you believe it? The World Wide Web was born in the 1980s, linking hypertext documents into an information system, accessible from any node on the network.

Some kids will never shoot for the stars

I was uplifted by some inspirational words by guests speakers at a Guiding banquet last week. Caledon regional councillor Annette Groves, and King’s own LCol (ret’d) Susan Beharriell, offered some encouragement to young women about overcoming obstacles and challenges, and really setting your sights as high as you can.

Tapping into the psychic phenomenon

Our eyes may be the windows of our souls, but what if we could have the gift of clairvoyance? While the term “psychic” only came into common use in the late 1800s, humans have been quite interested in seers and fortune tellers. Science may scoff at such parapsychological phenomena, but that doesn’t mean it’s total bunk.

Keeping an eye on our children’s mental health

For many of us Boomers, we never thought much about mental health or mental illness. During my high school and college days, things were a bit simpler. Sure, we had stress and had to deal with the whole self-image, fitting in ordeals and general teen angst. Our parents weren’t much help either and there was a lack of information and research in this area.

Celebrating our spiritual, physical connections

Billions of human beings believe in a supreme being, a cosmic force or a higher level of existence. Some of the world’s most important documents protect and enshrine religious rights and practices.

A little reggae to warm our hearts at Rose Theatre

I don’t consider myself a rastafarian, but I do love a regular dose of Bob Marley. In my travels, and exposure to other cultures, I’ve come to appreciate the beauty of expression. Food and music of the Caribbean is to die for! Island music, in general, is so welcoming and fun, it becomes addictive.

Len Mizzoni’s music stretches across genres, generations

Len Mizzoni has a lot to say, and he’s imparting his wisdom through a cornucopia of original music. The King resident and business owner believes it’s never too late to follow your dreams. He’s no late bloomer by any means. Mizzoni has simply reignited the spark that’s always been a part of his life. He’s just more mature.

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