Tag Archive "mark-pavilons"

Crises often stir the ‘mother of invention’

Human beings are not only resilient, they are a crafty bunch. It’s been proven throughout our history that we can be quite innovative and progressive during times of crisis and tragedy. As Danish economist Ester Boserup coined, “necessity is the mother of invention.”

Is it time to wipe the slate clean again?

“And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.” Yes it was. Fast-forward several thousand years and here is God, holding his massive Etch A Sketch depicting his beautiful creation. Holding it in front of him, he gives it a massive shake, clearing the image. He can now begin again.

Never ignore the talent of fellow humans

Never ignore talent, is an idea I’ve come to embrace over the years. In my job, I’ve met thousands of interesting souls, all of whom have some talent, skill or accomplishment. Some I can relate to, but many others are totally foreign. Those unique or complicated areas of expertise only serve to make me more curious and more intrigued.

Are we nothing, or are we everything?

Humans have an amazing capacity for pretty much anything. Put a problem or puzzle in front of us, and we’re bound to solve it. We can create something out of nothing, but not on the grand scale of the universe. At least not yet!

Life happens when you’re making other plans!

Life, according to Confucius, is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Have you ever put the brakes on, stopped and said to yourself “this is my life?”

Miracles exist on even the tiniest levels

We all know that girls are made from sugar, spice and so many nice things. Boys, on the other hand, are made from snails and the odd bits of a puppy’s tail. But science knows we’re made of a tiny bit more.

Just for today maybe the world will be better

Just for today I want everything to be right in the world. Just for today, I want the world to take a long, deep breath, in light of the recent tragedy and loss of lives on Flight 762. We should continue to pray for the families who lost loved ones in the “accident” that claimed 176 lives. It will take a long time for everyone to heal, if they can ever fully recover.

Let’s clean up our act, before the Messiah arrives

Just when did we begin to lose faith? It’s no secret that Christianity has been waning, slowly slipping year after year. In Pew Research Center telephone surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, 65% of American adults describe themselves as Christians when asked about their religion, down 12 percentage points over the past decade.

King philanthropist focused to start new decade on serious note

A King-based philanthropist and influencer is starting a new decade on a serious note. Joan Kelley Walker is intent on leading by example, never forgetting about the numerous charities she supports.

Making plans and taking steps to self-improvement

We humans tend to make a lot of noise, whether standing or sitting. I wonder how the world would sound if you eliminated all of the chatter, voices, and human utterances. Eerie, or soothing? Fireworks accompanied most new year’s celebrations and they date back thousands of years as ancient Asian cultures used firecrackers, fireworks and guns – loud noises of any kind – to frighten away dark spirits.

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