Tag Archive "mark-pavilons"

No such things as coincidences

Life as we know it, every single moment, is coincidence. Or is it? From the venerable Forrest Gump, miracles happen every day: “I don’t know if we have a destiny, or if we’re all just floatin’ around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it’s both. Maybe both is happenin’ at the same time.” Well said, Forrest.

World governments taking UAPs seriously

The truth is out there and more and more top officials are taking notice of what’s happening in the skies above our earth. The phenomenon is nothing new and perhaps even predates manned flight on earth.

Majority worry that our lives have changed forever

I’ve been told to lighten up recently, after a couple of rather gloomy columns, exploring some dark subjects. Hey folks, I’d love to, if only the world allowed it. And yet, my fellow human rowers, on this massive slave galley ship, we’re still working up a sweat.

Mother Nature offers stress relief in spades

Reality is the leading cause of stress, according to Lily Tomlin. There’s nothing quite like a dose of reality first thing in the morning to get you moving. I prefer a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

Earning one’s place in this world

The world is a busy and crowded place. With a population of roughly 7.8 billion, just how do we stand out? A line from an Amazon Prime show made me think: “What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world?” While the show is a portrayal of humankind’s dark side, it poses an interesting question.

Observations from the inside looking out

Looks, outward appearances, are for other people. A realization dawned on me the other day, one that may change the way we look at ourselves, or rather, glance outward. I don’t have a concrete idea of what I look like.

When will our social bubbles burst open?

As human creatures, none of us can live without relationships. We can’t survive in total isolation. There’s a huge difference between the distance that divides us and barren solitude. Forced isolation, or a confinement to our own social bubbles, may very well be our undoing.

We need the means to make a difference

We all have the power within us to make a difference and change the world. Our one act, donation and especially our vote can alter the future. Small daily baby steps can eventually lead to a long and productive journey. We probably make a difference each and every day, maybe more than we realize.

Will we all be gone without a trace?

One minute we’re here, the next moment we’re gone. Nothing, not a trace. It was if we were never here. Other than trinkets, baubles, clothes and a mess in the bathroom, when we vanish from the face of the earth very little of ourselves remains. Hollow, material things, made by strangers, adorn our walls and shelves. Not very reassuring, not one bit.

‘Simplifying’ is more important than ever

How many times have we heard the expression “less is more?” How many times have we given it any heed? We’ve had ample opportunity to let this concept sink in over the past few months.

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