Tag Archive "mark-pavilons"

We are more connected than you think

Are we individuals, or vital parts of the bigger picture? Humans are, right from birth, encouraged to be individuals and let our unique qualities shine. We are told to “be who we are.” And yet our society and its rules and regulations, often don’t encourage dancing to our own beat. In fact, our education system, bureaucratic system and most “workplace guidelines” all demand that we conform, follow and obey.

Will a distanced workforce be the norm?

In these times of remote living, we’ve adopted a completely new mind set. Our brains are now configured via YouTube and various virtual meeting platforms. We’re as one-dimensional as our on-screen images. We lack colour, umph and a certain je ne sais quoi. With increased vaccinations, when will remote work end?

Weighed down by chips on our shoulders

Most of us struggle day in and day out, with challenges presented to us. For parents, it’s like constantly putting out fires that start simultaneously. Hot heads are common in households with teen and adult siblings. Last week, I received an expletive-laden text from my wife during an emotional outburst. It was as if fireworks exploded inside our livingroom.

Priestly Demolition named one of Canada’s top managed companies

King’s Priestly Demolition has been recognized for overall business performance and sustained growth with the prestigious Canada’s Best Managed Companies designation. The 2021 Best Managed program award winners are among the best-in-class of Canadian owned and managed companies with revenues over $25 million, demonstrating leadership in the areas of strategy, capabilities and innovation, culture and commitment, and financials to achieve sustainable growth.

Pinch me to prove that I’m real!

Humans have pondered their existence since our brains grew large enough to well, ponder. Why are we here? Ay, there’s the rub as Willy Shakespeare once put it. He was talking about dreams and their relationship with reality. Reality, according to Merriam-Webster, is “the quality or state of being real; a real event, entity, or state of affairs; the totality of real things and events.”

In all the universe, there is only one of us

f you think that you’re not special in some way, just pause and reflect on that quote for a minute. Our Milky Way galaxy is estimated to contain upwards of 400 billion stars and at least that number of planets. Our “home” galaxy is massive, estimated at 200,000 light years in diameter. To put it in perspective, if our solar system were the size of a quarter, the Milky Way would be equivalent to the contiguous United States.

Spring cleaning a bit of a memory cleanse

It’s kinda weird going through one’s old personal belongings and piles of socked-away items. A recent weekend cleanup revealed my life in a nutshell. Talk about seeing your life pass by your very eyes in a matter of minutes!

Smiles and chuckles are amazing gifts to share

Congratulations if you’re reading this! It means you’re alive and if that’s not reason enough to smile, I don’t know what is! I’m smiling as I write this. As stressful as the world is at times, I make it a point to laugh several times a day.

Stigma, access plague mental health sufferers

Our bodies may be our temples, but our minds are our palaces. Our human CPU holds everything that we are, our very essence if you will. Not only does our brain control every bodily function, but it lets us imagine, live life and yes, escape.

Venturing down many rabbit holes

For decades, humans have been aware of the existence of black holes in the universe. These all-consuming regions pull in everything in their path and the gravity is so strong not even light can escape it. Black holes often occur when suns die. There’s nothing like it on earth, and fortunately not one within earshot in our solar system.

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