Tag Archive "mark-pavilons"

From a spark to a flame, it all starts with us

The well used saying, every journey starts with a single step, is not only true, it’s impactful. It goes much deeper than the imprint of our foot in the dirt. Everything important that we do in life, and even those less exciting things, all start with us.

Times have changed, but standards shouldn’t

There’s no question we’re living in interesting times. The oft-heard phrase “when I was your age …” still holds true today. And yes, I did walk through three-foot-high snow drifts to catch my bus in rural Caledon back in the day. There’s no denying that the world, society, technology, have all experienced a whirlwind of changes in the past couple of decades.

What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?

Plato once said that an unexamined life is not worth living. But Kurt Vonnegut wryly asked “what if that if the examined life turns out to be a clunker as well?” Many people over the millennia have tried to answer this seemingly impossible question. I always liked the response from late author Douglas Adams, who wrote the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series. Put simply, it’s 42.

Worrying about what’s next? Just look up!

Nihil fit ex nihilo – Nothing comes from nothing. This is part of a thesis first argued by Greek philosopher Parmenides. It is associated with ancient Greek cosmology, contending there is no break in between a world that did not exist and one that did, since it could not be created “ex nihilo” in the first place.

The challenges of down time, up time, no time

We cannot stop the passage of time. Our particular position in the universe sees us marking the hours, days, months and years as we circle our sun. We may think that we have plenty of time during our waking hours. But how much of that time is productive? Are we wasting time, frittering it away, and spending it needlessly?

What if the mundane just isn’t enough?

A current radio commercial notes that one of the toughest decisions adults face is what to cook for dinner each night. If you have children, you know all too well the trials and tribulations of this nightly chore. But wow, just how mundane and unimpressive our lives can be at times.

Cost of homes driving young people away

It’s been said that most of us are born, live and die within a 300-kilometre radius. For me, that’s definitely true, being born and bred right here in the GTA. And it’s true for many of my peers, except one who found his calling south of the border. Working, living, getting married and finding a home all seemed fairly straightforward for my generation.

The burdens of being a ‘deep thinker’

Having deep thoughts is what separates us from lower life forms. It’s what makes humans the strange and fascinating creatures that we are. While thinking too much can derail one’s momentum, we’re often caught up in our own thoughts deep in our heads. Sometimes we delve so deep in the recesses of our mind, we struggle to find our way out.

Animals are much smarter than we think

As an “animal-lover” I’m happy to say that yes, part of my soul has been awakened. I truly believe that all life on this planet has a purpose and is sacred in its own way. Whether they be plants or lower life forms that are part of the food chain, all creatures, great and small, are fascinating.

Let’s remove ‘nothing’ from our vocabulary

Nothing, rien, nada, nichts, niente, nekas. It’s odd that every language, every culture has many synonyms for “nothing.” An interesting word, defined as “not any thing,” or of “no interest, value or consequence.”

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