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Mayor outlines long list of accomplishments in 2014

December 23, 2014   ·   0 Comments

By Mark Pavilons
There’s no question the last term of King council has been one of innovative accomplishments, laying the groundwork for all of the good things that have happened, and some exciting ones yet to come.
Mayor Steve Pellegrini takes great pride in the total team effort that has resulted in some ground-breaking achievements and partnerships over the 2010-2014 term of council.
From branding and a new website to strengthened partnerships and long-term strategic documents, accomplishments covered all the bases.
They included:
• Completion of an Official Plan Amendment regulating power generation facilities.
•    Expansion and restoration of the King Township Museum through an innovative partnership with Genview Homes.
•    Roads associated with sewer project have been resurfaced in King City with partial funding from the Build Canada Fund.
•    Construction of the King City Skatepark and Outdoor Ball Hockey Court.
•    Reconstruction of the Dr. William Laceby Nobleton Community Centre and Arena Ice Surface.
•    Redevelopment of the Nobleton Upper Baseball Diamond.
•    Construction of new full size soccer field and playground at Rafferty’s Corners Park.
•    Construction of new playground at Dean Plummer Park.
•    Construction of new playground at Hickstead Memorial Park in Schomberg.
•    Redevelopment of the playground at Pottageville Park.
•    Completion of the  Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan.
•    Partnered with King United Soccer Club for the redevelopment of King Bible Church Field.
•    Partnered with the King City Business and Community Association to host Christmas in King City.
•    Developed terms of Reference for the newly established Community Museum Board.
•    Created the Township’s first User Fee Policy.
•    Created the Township’s first Ice Allocation Policy.
•    Formalized the Township’s Community Assistance Program and Policy.
•    Developed the new “KING” logo and its future use along with the use of corporate Township Crest for greater clarity and consistency.
•    Enhanced services to residents to ensure humane interaction with injured and sick wildlife in King with a Wildlife Service.
•    Successfully defended the ORMCP/Township Official Plan to preclude the establishment of a major outdoor banquet facility as a major recreational use.
•    Received $264,000 from York Region’s Municipal Streetscaping Partnership Program to complete Keele Street and King Road intersection improvements.
•    King Joined the Headwaters Horse Country initiative through a three-year partnership with the Hills of Headwater Tourism Association and municipal partners of Caledon, Erin and Dufferin County, in pursuit of becoming a Centre of Excellence for all things Equine within the Province of Ontario and Canada.
•    In 2013, King received $3,517,625 in grants ranging from bridge replacement at $1,849,631 to a Museum grant of $13,500. Since 2010 King Township has received just over $27 million.
•    Additional parking at the King City Go Station
•    YRT/King Route 61 and 22 buses.
•    Introduced Marriage Services – Licensing and Civil Ceremonies.
•    Developed a Building Permit process for properties designated under the Ontario Heritage Act.
•    Designation of “Shift” (the outdoor sculpture created by Richard Serra) under the Ontario Heritage Act.
•    Street light replacement program to replace some of the aging street lights in the municipality utilizing new, energy and cost efficient LED technology.
•    Cut each member of Council had their expense account cut by $600 which is 30%.
•    Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, 2012.
•    Economic Development Strategy, 2013
•    Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan, 2013.
•    Museum Strategic Business Plan, 2013.
•    King Township Public Library Strategic Plan, 2013.
•    Green Sustainability Checklist, 2013.
•    Transportation Master Plan Study (ongoing).
•    Development Charges background study, (ongoing).
•    Housing and Residential Intensification Study (ongoing).
•    CIP Community Improvement Plans.
•    Official Plan review is under way.



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