
Townhouse development moves ahead

December 19, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Mark?Pavilons

A proposed multi-unit townhouse complex in?King City has moved one step closer to reality.
King council gave their approval in principle, and amended the zoning bylaw to permit the planned 60-unit townhouse complex on Keele, just north of Station?Road.
The plan is for three buildings containing 60 stacked condominium units.? As well, the complex with have some 1,470 square feet of commercial space for everything from offices to retail shops. Contractors such as Commercial Roofing contractors will be called in to assist with the construction of this plan.
Once the site plan is finalized, it will be presented to council at a future meeting in the new year.
The proposal by KeeleOne Developments has been in the works for almost two years, and councillors felt it was time to get the project going.
The project includes 97 surface parking spaces, roof top terrace, and access on Keele.
The plan meets provincial Growth Plan targets of intensification within developed communities. The Township’s Official Plan, which is still under review, indicates intensification can be accommodated within King City.
Staff pointed out the 60 units this project will provide helps the Township meet its growth targets, while “broadening the range of housing stock in the community.”
In addition, the commercial aspect will also help the local economy and create jobs.
The medium density housing and commercial aspect are both supported in the King City Community Plan. The Core Area policies encourage carefully designed and coordinated development to create an environment which is attractive and economically vibrant.
Townhouses provide an alternative form of housing which is lacking in King City. The stacking of the units achieves a higher density on the same footprint and “is more appropriate for the core area.”
The complex will include 20 one-bedroom units and 40 two-bedroom units in three buildings with a maximum of three storeys. All three buildings will have basement units as well.
Staff is of the opinion this project complements the community and is also pedestrian friendly, given its proximity to amenities and the nearby GO station. The main parking area will be to the rear and green areas will help with the aesthetics.
One full movement access driveway from?Keele is proposed, opposite the intersection with Elizabeth Grove. A second access at the south end of the site as a right-in only is also planned.
The rectangular buildings are separated by common areas and all will be placed close to the street. The positioning creates a screen for the rear parking area. The third storey has a pitch wall that minimizes the overall mass of the buildings. The site slopes down from?Keele and the basement units will have outside entrances. The units at grade will have outdoor patios, while the upper units will have balconies and roof terraces.
The project has been intensely reviewed by staff, who find the site layout and design have been developed “at a high level.” Additional details still have to be worked out and hopes are these will all be addressed when the site plan is finalized.
Overall, staff support the project for a number of reasons.
“The stacked townhouse is a housing form that provides for more modest sized living spaces as an alternative form of housing and will provide suitable accommodations for smaller sized households and offer a wide range of affordability.”
Residents will have a range of transportation options and the commercial space promotes local businesses.
Councillor Debbie?Schaefer said she sees many positive aspects to this plan.?The details will be worked out during the site plan phase.
Mayor Steve Pellegrini noted King is trying to encourage the concept of complete communities.?Affordability is a number, he said.?The more restrictions municipalities place on developers, the more they will increase the prices, and affordability goes out the window.
“We have to move forward on this,”?he said.?”The clock is ticking.”
Schaefer added council has influenced the developer to make changes and improvements to this project.



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