March 2025 Archive

Democratic principles even more important today

Ontarians just had a chance to exercise their privilege of voting in last week’s provincial election. Like the outcome or not, we are lucky that our system allows for, and even encourages, our input and participation. Believe it or not, our politicians want us to be engaged. We have a bit of a love-hate relationship with democracy but now, more than ever, our democratic principles are vitally important.

Lecce wins second consecutive term as Blue Tidal Wave sweeps Conservatives to historic victory

By Jim Stewart King–Vaughan MPP Stephen Lecce cruised to victory on Thursday night, much to the delight of hundreds of supporters who gathered at the ...

Lecce wins second consecutive term as Blue Tidal Wave sweeps Conservatives to historic victory

King–Vaughan MPP Stephen Lecce cruised to victory on Thursday night, much to the delight of hundreds of supporters who gathered at the Premier Place Banquet Hall in Concord for an opulent victory party. Lecce’s easy electoral win – during which he defeated Liberal candidate Gillian Vivona by over 16,000 votes – was part of an historic “Blue Tidal Wave” that swept Doug Ford and the Conservatives to their third consecutive majority government.

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