A King City home is the record-breaking grand prize in the 2020 Princess Margaret Home Lottery. The 9,390-square-foot home on Elmers Lane comes in at $5.2 million, making it the biggest home prize ever.
Why? Now there’s the question for all of human existence. But really, this is a question most of us should ask ourselves on a daily basis.
The peewee King Rebellion were the champs at the local King Classic Tournament. The Rebellion were undefeated, tying their first match against the Applewood Coyotes and ...
tudents at King City Secondary School took time to give back to their community and help those in need for the holiday season. The ESP Team ran two events simultaneously: a fundraiser for Yellow Brick House and a homeroom challenge for Socks for Souls.
King-Vaughan MP Deb Schulte will play an integral role in helping this country’s seniors. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released the mandate letters recently for all ministers, which outline their duties and responsibilities.
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